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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

First Coronavirus death in Worcester County

The Worcester County Health Department (WCHD) confirmed the first death of a county resident this week from COVID-19: a woman in her 80’s who was a hospice patient at a county long-term care facility prior to the onset of COVID-19 illness. Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones at this time.


  1. The most vulnerable are at the highest risk. Please think before you leave home.

    1. Excuse me? Let them think before leaving home.

    2. 3:22
      Where did you get the cock-a-maybe idea?

      I leave home when I want to leave home.
      I am a free human being.

      If you or your compromised loved one wants to stay home, then by all means stay home.

  2. Hospice patient...prayers with this person but hospice patient means death was imminent in coming days. They were in hospice before contracting CV19. This should not be listed as a CV19 death.

    1. 6 months to a year. Not days. Moron

    2. Exactly what I was thinking 3:25

    3. If a hospice patient dies in a car accident, then they died due perhaps to blunt force trauma sustained in vehicular accident. It doesn’t matter if they were in hospice and already dying due to another cause. Their death was hastened by the car accident. Same thing with Covid-19. Thoughts and prayers to this persons family and all of their loved ones.

  3. Thank Goodness she caught COVID before she went so the gubmint could count this as a COVID death!

  4. She was from Delaware but they are reporting it as a Worcester death.

  5. Totally agree 3:25. Many deaths would have happened anyway that are being claimed as the virus. Complete BS!

  6. Prayers to the Family. The Family should request an autopsy and then file a wrongful death lawsuit since their family member was not in good health for other reasons.

  7. 3:25 Has is correct. Hospice is where they put you to die.

    Don't blame this on Whu Flu!

    But they want the numbers to be as scary as possible.

  8. Why are they still not counting the covid death from Friday night in Pocomoke?

    1. It’s takes a while to process the information.

    2. How about 2 weeks ago in Snow Hill then?

  9. 1 death and the Ocean city Mayor is going to keep beaches closed through Memorial Day

  10. A life is more important than a summer...


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