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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Peter Navarro: Concerned about China exporting 'low-quality' antibody tests

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Monday said he’s concerned about China’s exporting “low-quality” antibody tests and accused the country of “profiteering” off the coronavirus pandemic.

“One of the things that’s on my radar that’s really troublesome is there’s a lot of these antibody tests coming in from China now that are low-quality, false readings and things like that, and we've got to be really careful,” Mr. Navarro said on “Fox & Friends.”

Experts agree that reliable antibody testing, which could determine whether someone is immune to the virus, will be key to reopening the U.S. economy. But many analysts have cautioned that the tests circulating on the market have not been given a proper sign-off by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and can yield faulty results.



  1. Why are we dealing with China at all with anything dealing with covit19. They lfrom the get go, I would not trust them at all!

  2. Like everything else cheap from China. We got what we wanted with this one. Shop until you drop. Now your just standing in line for it with your walkers.

  3. With bottled water and soda exceeding crude oil now anything is possible.


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