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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Data: Coronavirus Likely to Spark Mass Immigration Wave to Israel

The global coronavirus pandemic will likely spark a massive wave of immigration to Israel, with some 100,000 expats and new arrivals expected to move to the country once the crisis is over, according to Ministry of Absorption statistics.

An estimated 60,000 Israelis living abroad have expressed an interest in returning to Israel since the outbreak in March. “There is an awakening among Israelis living abroad,” Ministry of Absorption officials said.

A further 40,000 Jews are expected to immigrate by the end of 2020, marking an increase 5,000 from 2019’s record-breaking 35,000.

Speaking to the Hebrew-language Makor Rishon newspaper, Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog explained large waves of immigration to Israel have “occurred historically in Jewish communities around the world after many crises since the establishment of the state.”

He called on the government to prepare for absorbing such large numbers.



  1. Ok...so this bothers the USA for what reason?

  2. Bwwwaaahhhhhh also breaking Corona virus may cause a lot of people to migrate to Georgia

  3. Ministry of Absorption. That sounds really creepy.

  4. Most Americans know nothing about the crimes of Israel.

  5. Israel is safe from the virus.


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