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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dr. Birx Shuts Down Criticism of Decision to Reopen Jacksonville Beaches

Dr. Deborah Birx on Monday again defended the city of Jacksonville, Florida, for reopening their beaches, despite heavy criticism from national establishment media.

Birx said that Florida had excellent coronavirus infection data accessible on their website, which showed that the decision to reopen the beaches made sense.

“They had less than 20 cases per day and less than 800 in four weeks,” she said.

She said that each governor and local official should be allowed to make a decision for themselves about when to reopen their states, based on data.


  1. "..despite heavy criticism from national establishment media.."

    Who put them in charge?

    Oh yeah, the Democrats. Sorry. My bad.

    1. Don't like it, stay home where you think you are safe 10:03

  2. Women can be pro-choice but governors can't?


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