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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

15 Uniformed Officers From 4 Different Law Enforcement Agencies Rush to Target Restaurant Owner For Violating Maryland's Lockdown Order

This is not about a virus.

15 uniformed officers from 4 different law enforcement agencies descended on a restaurant in Maryland and cited the owner for violating the state’s lockdown order.

Dave Carey, the owner of Lee’s Landing Dock Bar is facing prosecution because approximately 70 people were standing in line waiting for their takeout orders.

Mr. Carey said people waiting for their food were following the social distancing guidelines “to the letter of the law” but the police swarmed his establishment anyway.

Authorities said the restaurant was violating the lockdown order because some people were consuming drinks on the premises while they were waiting for their takeout orders.

“What exactly did we do wrong?” Carey asked. “And who had the authority to take that many resources off the road?”



  1. This is what violation of your rights looks like. The welfare of humanity, is the alibi of tyrants.

  2. I would’ve dropped a spinning axe kick on their heads if they tried to shut down mine

    1. I would have taken all of the magazines I’ve been loading for the “civil war” and thrown them at their heads.

  3. Clearly, this is more about control - and they're not hiding it any more!

    Somebody is going to get hurt - and a jury won't convict the citizen....

  4. I will say it HELLO SOCIALISM. HELLO COMMUNISM. All you voters that vote in Democrats can pat yourself on the back. You all should also thank HOGAN for executing these socialist / communist orders. This is what you all voted in and now you are paying the price, I am lock and loaded for the fight that is just around the corner.

    1. I'm proud to say I didn't vote for hogan for his second term. I left all governor boxes open on the ballot because I wouldn't vote for that democrat and hogan turned out to be RINO/POS

  5. Wish they would rush to arrest drug dealers like that in the Baltimore hood

  6. Make sure you wear your mask or the same thing will happen to you.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Nazi Germany?

  8. Why isn’t the governor focusing on protecting people in nursing homes?

  9. Time to form up the militia's. And when the real reason for this man made crisis is revealed. (democrat and china collusion). The Proverbial excrement will hit the fan. Law enforcement better get there act together because they are on the wrong side on this debate.
    I dont plan to waste anymore time here in MD... I CANT MOVE OUT FAST ENOUGH

  10. Ghee
    You could have told us twice!
    I didn’t know the government was going to go communist on us. Geez. It’s just a virus.

  11. It looks like the PUSSY SHERIFF is breaking the constitution is Sheriff Lewis NEXT ?

    1. how do you know the sherif of where this happened?

    2. No he is not next 1202

  12. Ya know as a lifelong CONSERVATIVE, I find that the majority of fellow conservatives, including MYSELF, have been wrong by our 1st reactions to tyrannical government behaviors is to blame it on the Dems, but I'm NOW seeing we've been wrong doing that, because WE'RE not voting for the Dems. We've been voting for our Republican candidates, and buying into their BS talking points, but more and more I see (with few exceptions) that they're not much different than the Dems. WE THE PEOPLE should be spending MUCH MORE time holding OUR REPUBLICAN LEADERS accountable! The left's gonna do, what the left's gonna do. We cant control that, but we can CONTROL our officials by letting them KNOW "we're watching them". WE need to hold OUR partys feet to the fire! WE need to spend less time pointing our fingers at the left, and start following not what our sides saying, but what they're ACTUALLY DOING! Follow how they're actually voting! All this info is readily available, and when they say one thing, but vote the opposite (which happens a lot) then WE need to call them out! We cant just go off the horse crap that Fox news tells us . We need to follow Conservstive Review, etc. All their voting records cs what they said they were voting on is available. Thats how the left had been kicking our ass, because they dont waste their time blaming us. They hold their candidates to the fire. Look at Viginia, of All the voters that voted for Trump, like only 8% also voted in local, county, and state elections, and by NOT doing so, they LOST EVERY seat the the Dems. We need to start looking at more than the President, as we're VERY close to losing the Senate next year, we need to make sure our reps are really representing US, and not just trying please everyone like Hogan is doing. We NEE to hit the bricks and stop pointing out fingers in the other direction, and clean our own house! I know I'm "writing" but I'm just trying teach out and remind every Patriotic American WE NEED TO SPEND LESS TIME GRUMBLING ABOUT THE DEMS, AND GET OUT IN TBE ATRETS AND DEMAND THE REPUBLICANS GROW A SET OF TESTICLES AND START REPRESENTING THEIR VOTERS!!!

    1. That’s why we voted Trump. Biggest upset in American history. Snowflake

  13. msp local sheriffs nazi kops? yup! time for a revolution? take all those bastards out back and be done with them once and for all! like I keep telling you sheep. they are not here to protect you! they are here to protect hogan and the maryland communist assembly from you!
    maybe it's time the citizens to strike terror into their hearts for once? Like they like to do to the average citizen. comply or be arrested?

  14. Be careful Sheriff's pick a side when the CIVIL WAR STARTS.

  15. After reading these comments..I Totally agree with you 10:10!!!

  16. For all of you who vote democrat.........this is the way of life you will be living very soon. No freedoms at all...........you will do as you're told , when you are told, how you are told,etc. This is where the democrats are trying to take us and it will work if we dare allow the democrats to win any office at all. Vote Republican!

  17. 10:39 IS 100% CORRECT! Even the prisoners get to escape the virus but poor sickly old folks are basically sitting in germ infested death camps with sub-par health employees (yes, I said it because I know people who work in them)

  18. Some laugh about the new world order but it’s just about here.Civil unrest,digital currency,loss of rights is just the beginning.

  19. hogan's brownshirts!

  20. hogan's brownshirts!


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