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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Detroit Democrats Cast Out Fellow Lawmaker Who Had Audacity To Credit Trump For HCQ COVID Cure

A Detroit Democratic lawmaker was officially censured by her party colleagues last weekend after she credited President Trump with for promoting hydroxychloroquine, which she says saved her life after she contracted COVID-19.

According to The Detroit News, State Rep. Karen Whitsett of Detroit 'broke protocol' by meeting with President Trump and VP Mike Pence during an April 14 meeting of coronavirus survivors.

"Thank you for everything that you have done,” Whitsett told Trump at the meeting. “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line. … I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words," she said during the meeting.

Whitsett's penalty? She was cast out by the 13th Congressional District Democratic Party organization, which unanimously voted via Zoom on Saturday to oust the first-term lawmaker representing Michigan's 9th House District.

"We have the ability to be the referee when we see our leaders out there attacking and not being willing to have a discussion to find common ground," said chairman Jonathan Kinloch. "Based on her actions and recent statements, she's chosen to be a stand-alone Democrat with the goals of a Republican."

According to the resolution, Whitsett has "misrepresented the needs and priorities" of Democrats to the President and public, and that she participated in events with the Republican Women's Federation of Michigan to express her thanks to Trump.

Whitsett "has repeatedly and publicly praised the president's delayed and misguided COVID-19 response efforts in contradiction with the scientifically based and action-oriented response" from Michigan's Democratic leadership, "endangering the health, safety and welfare of her constituents, the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan."



  1. Just like the mafia.

  2. If no t for our great Presidents actions many more people would have died. The Democrats are a joke. They lie constantly.

  3. They would rather she died then give Trumo any credit.. the drug saved her life. Democrats have no value No Morales.

  4. Her saying that doesn't fit their agenda. They had to put a stop to it before too many people heard it.

  5. The ODASITY! Who does she think she is, using her freedoms of thought, and freedom of speech? TO THE GALLOWS WITH HER! We'll have no more "outbursts" like that. SPEECH?...We'll decide what speech is acceptable!

  6. We Democrats need to stick together if we are ever going to rid us of Trump. This woman is taking all the benefits of our party including funding and advertising and then sleeping with the enemy. Good riddance!

    1. Yeah, you do that. Baaaa, baaa, baaaa Just make sure ya promise all dem their 40 acres and a mule. Maybe itll work better this time...baaaa, baaaa

  7. Whites have it better than blacks. Whites can get away with various political thoughts.Blacks are ostracized for this type of deviancy..

  8. The intolerant liberal left. No wonder the party is imploding. They are incapable of fixing anything. They use the minorities like toilet paper wipe their ass and throw them away.

  9. 12:17. Said Good Riddance!! That’s how the Democrats think people.. they would rather she died then give thanks to trump.. all she did was thank him for speaking out about a treatment for the virus that she was able to get ..there is a lot more to life than politics but that’s how the Democrats see everything.. hope they lose both the house and senate so trump can really get a lot more done...no way sleepy creepy sexually predator hoe gets in.. he’s a puppet

  10. Democrats want to chastise her for escaping the plantation.
    12:17, you probably would have been happier if she died rather than hear her tell the truth. Your response says it all, you idiots gotta stick together with your lies!

  11. Is there no end to what the democrats will do? I don't understand what's going on and I never could have imagined it!

  12. How dare her as a black lady deviate from the plantation Blacks are NOT allowed to speak their minds They are still nothing but lowly slaves who must think and say things that are approved by their masters. It is really amazing though that so many are still democrats Most claim to be Christian but there is no way in hell you can be a Christian when you are a democrat Can't they see this They better come to their senses because God can see and He will not tolerate their openly living the lie about being a Christian when they vote democrat In God's eyes lying about being a Christian is the biggest sin there is.

  13. Now talk about modern day racism The Democratic Party should be up in a roar

  14. And the Dems are always promoting diversity...


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