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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jacki Pick: Artificial Depression Built Around Coronavirus Will Kill Thousands

An artificial depression created around the coronavirus outbreak by American leadership will kill thousands of Americans, explained Jacki Pick, host of the Jacki Daily Show on BlazeMedia, warning of the consequences of varying economic shutdowns across the nation ostensibly aimed at addressing the viral spread. She offered her analysis on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.

In her recently-published article, “What a Prolonged Shutdown Will Cost in Human Life,” Pick wrote:

A prolonged shutdown could bring tens of thousands of deaths through spikes in rates of suicide, heart attack, missed cancer diagnoses, domestic violence deaths, substance abuse, and more. We have evidence that these deaths are coming, and the shutdown is only a month old.

“For whatever reason, we decided to artificially create a depression around [a once-in-a-century pandemic],” Pick said. “Leadership created a demand collapse for oil — basically gasoline — and then any oil-derived products.”



  1. This shut down is very selective. Many businesses will never open again, many people out of a profession completely. Some self employed were struggling just making ends meet on shoestring budgets and there is little more than 1200$ available in aid which many people lost the first two weeks. Hogan dug us a whole we will never climb out of. All because there are 300 or 400 people sick? (officially?) B.S.
    Communist Chinese.

  2. YUP.
    Those hysterical "You selfish people that want things to open are gonna kill my grandma!"
    are themselves selfishly gonna kill many more.

  3. It was not just government leadership that has created the panic it includes the media and it was intentional

  4. Well said 1:24. The MSM is the enemy of the people. In the coming civil war they will be the first target.


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