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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Federal Bailout Won't Fix States' Finances

Bailing out the Illinois state pension system is the worst idea from a week in which we were discussing the health benefits of mainlining Lysol. (Please do not mainline Lysol. It will kill you.)

Irresponsible state and local governments are attempting to exploit the fear and disruption of the coronavirus epidemic to push off the consequences of their decades of reckless and culpably dishonest policies onto the federal government. This will inspire a great deal of conversation about “moral hazard” and “fairness,” but the fundamental problem is something else: Such a bailout would not work because it would not actually solve the real-world problems that threaten to cripple state and local finances.

Contra Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, this is not exclusively a “blue state” problem.

State and local governments are facing short-term financial problems that are tied to the epidemic and the imposition of social distancing, lost tax revenue prominent among them. With businesses forcibly closed and unemployment soaring, there is less money coming into state, county, and city tax coffers. Some states are better prepared for this than others: Wyoming maintains a “rainy-day” fund that has socked away in it funds equal to 109 percent of the state’s annual government expenditures. Alaska has more than half a year’s expenditures tucked away, North Dakota 30 percent, New Mexico 27 percent. Most states have a good deal less, and some have very little: New York has only 3 percent, Pennsylvania 1 percent, and Senator McConnell’s home state of Kentucky less than 3 percent. Illinois, to nobody’s great surprise, comes in at 0.0 percent, no doubt from spending all its money on Chicago-style avocado toast.

Conservatives often have been critical of these funds, characterizing the reserves as excessive an



  1. No Maryland is on the top of that list, you all are forgetting the 2.5 billion tax hike coming this and next year and up to 3 years after that!!!! And this is just for the school system so kids who are retards and eat tide pods can be taught not to eat tide pods... Then pile on top everything needed to pay for the regular stuff for day to day for the state to function, along with other fee and tax increases they past years before this, and they will need to cover this, and add on top this pandemic and no one working which means no one has tax money to give...

  2. Don’t forget about the State of Maryland’s $15/h minimum wage mandate that goes into Full effect before 2025. This is the reason all Wicomico County employees are receiving a 6% pay raise in FY21. The lowest paid County employees, some making less that $30,000 p/y, will receive a $1800 raise when the highest paid County employees, some making more than $115,000 p/y, will receive a $6000 pay raise. And this is just during FY21. Similar pay raises will go into effect in FY22, FY23, FY24 and FY25. Over this period of time, some of the highest paid County employees will receive a $30,000 pay raise over the current salaries. And what will the common man on the street receive?

  3. Cut al these mandated socialist programs and cut taxes. Maryland always states they work within the budget to stay within a balanced budget that is mandated by the Maryland Constitution. That is a lie. The Governor and Poltians always raise taxes and steal from the MD State Employee Retirement Fund that is mandated to be taken from their employees every pay. Then these crooks do not replace / pay back these funds and do not pay interest on this money they stole.


  4. Do Not Bail Out states that have mismanaged their affairs. Or we'll be taking wheelbarrows of dollars in a search for a loaf of bread ala Germany between the wars.

    CA, NY, MA, IL, and MD if need must set their affairs in order.

  5. No bailout for states!

  6. It is NOT for damn states !!! It is for US !!!! Sates Tax us to death so I
    don't want to hear ANY wining from them, they should have Endless $$$
    & Plenty of it !!! They can file ch 7 just like we do !!!!

    Tell Democrats to Stop Stealing it !!!


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