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Monday, April 20, 2020

BOOM! Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigating His $3.7 Million Obama Era Grant to Wuhan Lab!!!


  1. Why did Fauci not come forward from the start if he knew he was directly involved in sending our 3.7 Million under the Obama's term in office. And why did Obama not come forward he had to sign off on it, and just the mention of it months ago should have had him contacting Trump with what he knew. And if Fauci, Obama knew there is a possibility then so did Biden as well. Time to get to the extreme bottom of this.

  2. I really hate it when physicians talk publicly about important topics and it turns out that they have no credibility. After a few minutes of research, it turns out that Dr. Buttar is a Quack. Just a brief view of his website should make that utterly obvious. If anyone should be prosecuted for fraud it should be Dr. Buttar. He has been scamming the gullible public for decades. Dr. Buttar is a joke and an embarrassment to the Osteopathic Medical profession.

  3. Does that make Fauci not s sleezeball POS???

  4. 2:53, It is not his fault you people are stupid and gullible... If you can sell water to a well, why not????? That is what capitalism is, making money, if it just so happens the customer is a moron, then that is the morns problem...

  5. Rashid Buttar is an American osteopathic physician from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.[1] He has been reprimanded by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for unethical treatment of patients.[2]

    Buttar was born in London in 1966 and immigrated with his parents to the U.S. at the age of 9. He attended Washington University, graduating with a degree in biology and theology, and then earned his degree in osteopathy at Des Moines University. According to his website, he worked as a surgeon with the U.S. Army for several years but did not achieve any medical qualification.[3]

    He came to public attention in 2009 when he used chelation therapy on a woman named Desiree Jennings, who claimed to have lost her ability to walk or talk normally after receiving a flu shot.[1][4] He has been criticized for his use of chelation,[1] and for his use of intravenous hydrogen peroxide to treat cancer.[5]

    In 2007, Buttar was charged by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners with unethical treatment of four cancer patients.[6] The panel recommended that Buttar's "license be suspended indefinitely, but that the suspension be immediately stayed".[7] In 2010 the board, in response to this and other concerns, chose to formally reprimand Buttar but allowed him to continue to practice.

  6. Devils disciple and now you know it. Thanks O'dumma!

  7. Appears to be another Obama shadow government implant. Get rid of him.

  8. Do as Trump says or FIRED !!! LOL Like the rest !!

  9. Could be a Chinese spy to prolong this epidemic for the Socialist Democrats plan and China's way of destroying the US.

  10. Where and why is Trump's health secretary Azar and why is he hiding??

  11. Most doctors are Trump haters and could like to see the economy collapse to get rid of him.

  12. Azar has other things going on. His father just died. Give him a break.

  13. Democrat china collusion is real!! Wake up!!

  14. Hate to tell you this people but I was totally shocked to learn my doctor who killed his wife ( put her body in a car parked at Dulles airport) went to prison is now practicing medicine. No kidding 😒

  15. And there is that "deep state shadow government" at work. No wonder Obama looked so smug as he was endorsing dementia patient Biden to be the President of the United States.

  16. Anon: 5:05. Where do you get your statistics? I highly doubt that most Doctors hate Trump. Since when do you speak for most Doctors? Yes, I am a Doctor and I LOVE Trump!

  17. April 20, 2020 at 8:54 PM:

    I'm glad he's YOUR doctor, and not mine.

  18. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  19. PRESIDENT OBAMA and VP BIDEN will you kindly disclose your health & financial records in good will and for the transparency you are known? In addition will you set your record straight at as to your position toward Askhkin and Dr. Buttuh's messages. Thank you.

  20. This website looks like some of the rags on the magazine stand in the local grocery store....


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