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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Nolte: CNN Stages Fredo’s Phony Exit from Basement Quarantine

In the annals of propaganda, CNNLOL’s cynical and dishonest attempt to turn Chris Cuomo into some kind of selfless coronavirus folk hero is the fake-newsiest fake news in all of Fakenewsdom.

Late last month, Cuomo announced he tested positive for the coronavirus and would continue to bravely host his basement-rated CNNLOL program — his hour of lies and anti-Trump propaganda and encouragement of political violence — while remaining selflessly quarantined in his basement.

So, for the last few weeks — and to the surprise of no one — Chris Cuomo made the show all about Chris Cuomo, all about his selflessness in agreeing to remain in his basement as a means to protect his wife, kids, and society at large.

He has also raged against those who violate their state’s stay-at-home orders.

Thus, with great fanfare Monday night, he walked up a flight of stairs, gushing how grateful he was to finally get out of that basement and see his family!

Only, like everything else about Cuomo, we learned this is all hypocrisy and bullsh!t.

On Easter Sunday, while still sick with the virus and therefore contagious, the New York Post reports Cuomo emerged from the basement of his Southampton home and, with his wife, kids, and a second woman, violated his quarantine, as well as New York’s stay-at-home and necessary travel orders (instituted by Cuomo’s own governor/brother Andrew) just so he could hang out at his property in East Hampton, a full half-hour away, where he’s reportedly building a home.



  1. Be a good little useful idiot and crawl back into your safe space.

  2. Massive home in NY with a yard. 10 million Easy. And according to the liberal democrat it’s paid for and has never been in debt. Some how went to Princeton for free? Law degree and never set foot in a court room.

  3. JUST IN

  4. S**t rolls downhill. Fredo found his natural level---in the basement. Why don't people just leave it there to decay into its base chemistry. Much more value in the decayed base chemistry than a live Fredo POS still trying to float to the top of the toilet. His brother is not far behind but has a hard time even floating as a warm turd.

  5. 6:06
    Agree 100%

    This is the face of the elite.

  6. His wife had nerve to say when the Easter incident happened, they were both off quarenteen according to the CDC guadlines. Unbelievable! Maybe they need a calendar to keep track. Most people will believe their lies. Sad.

  7. Fredo was never sick with virus. In his famous quote “ where is the proof “

  8. Are you watching Andrew?

  9. Why won’t trump give NY 40 thousand ventilators ? I don’t understand it. Start the WAR PRODUCTION ACT NOW. We need 40k in 5 days. Crickets


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