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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Carney: It would be difficult to open beaches in time for Memorial Day

Governor vows state won't reopen too soon 'if I have anything to do with it'

There’s a possibility Delaware beaches will be in use in time for the Memorial Day weekend, May 23 to 25, and Gov. John Carney said he “would like nothing more” — but it would be difficult, considering what must be accomplished to safely reopen the state.

“We’ll see,” Carney said at a press briefing Tuesday afternoon.

Delaware will not open too soon “if I have anything to do with it,” he vowed.

“You won’t see that here,” he said, adding that he doesn’t want to open one day too soon or delay a single day longer than necessary.

“It’s going to be a gradual reopening, and it’s going to be where people are careful about not spreading the virus. We’re not there yet. … We have a lot of work to do.

“We’re going to be guided by the situation on the ground. We’re going to follow the guidance to the extent that it makes sense.

“There must be 14 days of declining numbers of cases of the coronavirus before Phase 1 can start moving toward Phase 2, then another 14 days of declining cases,” he said.



  1. Idiot !! No Beaches No Summer 2020 !!! Get used to it !!!

  2. They have the wrong Governor if that’s the case

  3. DUGH !!! No Beach until next year !!!

  4. Gov. Carney, when are you going to close schools for the rest of the year like 35 other states have done??????

  5. The beach can actually survive without millions of people on it, matter of fact may do it some good to have a break from all those people.

  6. Who cares about beaches right now ? Get a Kiddy Pool and some Kitty Litter.

  7. 6:03
    You don’t realize how obvious it is to the readers that you sir . . . . Have never been to the beach.

    Sad for you.

  8. DO NOT open any of the beaches this summer. This virus is not going to go away over night.

  9. I go to the beach, but never in either Delaware or Maryland.

    The Outer banks are much better. So is Hilton Head SC and it's only a days drive to get there.

    Virginia beach is also nice in the winter as well and they don't charge you an arm and leg to park. In fact most beaches don't charge at all in south.

    Yankee arrogance has taken over our resort communities.
    They can keep it!

  10. No schools for the Govt Fools 2020 !!! Common sense !!

  11. Throw his Democrat ass OUT of office 2020 !!!!!

  12. This virus just gives me another reason to avoid OC. It's not like I didn't already have many reasons to avoid OC. After practically growing up in OC, the city has changed so much that it holds no attraction for me or my money now.

  13. Well, Dugh It might be "Difficult" for the Dumb Governor to explain why

    More people died because he let them go to to a beach !!! NOT Essential !!!


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