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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Rand Paul speaks out against $500B rescue package, ‘no amount of bailout dollars’ will stimulate economy

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., spoke out in opposition against the $484 billion small business package that was passed in the Senate Tuesday and warned, “no amount of bailout dollars will stimulate an economy that is being strangled by quarantine.”

Paul did not block the bill that was later approved during a voice vote. The funding will replenish the Paycheck Protection Program and provide additional funding for hospitals.

“The one choice that will get our economy growing again is reopening American commerce,” Paul said. He pointed out that the virus bailouts have already cost $2 trillion and said the annual deficit this year will approach $4 trillion.

“We can’t continue on this course,” he said. “No amount of bailout dollars will stimulate an economy that is being strangled by quarantine.”

He continued, “This economic calamity will only be resolved when we begin to reopen the economy.”



  1. Because NONE goes to the small people , Only to BIG Business !!!!

  2. Gov't can keep Printing Any amount !!! As it always does , with no GOLD
    needed to back it up anymore !!! That went out in 1971 !!!

    Based on TRUST now , that is the New system !!! USA = Endless $$$$$

    We should NOT be paying ANY Taxes , but Govt makes you , to keep you POOR !!!

    1. This. This right here is why we need to invest more in education lol

    2. 5:04
      I agree but he really is entertaining.
      He is the most enthusiastic commenter.

  3. Americans should go on a 2 year tax holiday where they pay no taxes.

  4. As Pelosi said it was as easy as taking candy from my great great great great grandchilds mouth

  5. Pelosi knows we just live on the CRUMBS !!! & she DON'T care !!!

  6. What does a stimulous do when you have no where to spend it?

  7. Get some of that stolen money from the CLINTON FOUNDATION !!!!

    Stimulate the "Deplorables "

  8. This virus is what every politician is clamoring for....a blank check to spread out among all their constituents, both corporate and individuals and demographic groups. Budgets used to matter and hold them back from just widespread and unrestrained spending. They have taken the gloves off, and are going to bankrupt the country, starting with Donald Trump, who already has actually stated it's like spending "free money" while the fed has reduced the money rate (int) to banks close to zero. That money they are spending has to come some somewhere. America will have to pay all this money back, in the form of much higher taxes, or a unheard of higher inflation rate, due to the devaluation of the dollar's purchasing power from printing the huge amount of money and injecting it into the money supply with no increase in productivity or the Gross National Product (GNP). All this unprecedented spending is not going to end well.

  9. Did you-all get your census forms? I did 8 times. Called - told to ignore. Petty I know - especially at a time like this- but what a waste of paper, postage, and how many filled them out several times to ensure they get that extra money from the Gov.

  10. GET Printing MY damn $$$$$ & Stop WIning !!! Govt Sucks !!!


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