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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Discussions Continue On When, How To Open Ocean City Area; Governor Expected To Address Timelines, Phases This Week

OCEAN CITY — There appears to be continued hope for an eventual easing of some of the restrictions in place and a phased reopening of the Ocean City marketplace, but when that starts will likely be dictated by the governor and state directives.

Last Thursday, the Mayor and Council began debating the potential phased-in reopening and a return to some semblance of normalcy in the face of the lingering COVID-19 pandemic. The following day last Friday, Gov. Larry Hogan addressed the reopening issue and laid out some milestones that must be reached before any easing of restrictions and directives currently in place can even be considered.

Hogan pointed to a couple of key statistical benchmarks that should be reached before any consideration is given to easing the restrictions and gradually reopening the state and local economies. Hogan specifically pointed to the numbers of hospitalizations, coronavirus patients in intensive care and confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the state.

The governor said only if and when those key indicators showed declines for 14 straight days would any early phases of reopening be considered. However, as of Tuesday, those three key statistics continued to increase, albeit by rates considerably lower percentage-wise then in prior days and weeks. In short, the key numbers appear to be trending in the right direction, but not yet to the point to start the clock ticking on the 14-day window prescribed by Hogan last week. President Trump’s guidelines say after two weeks after downward data states should enter the first phase of reopening, including some retail store openings with crowds not to exceed 10 and schools remaining closed.



  1. Based on your claims of being an expert on everything, why don't you tell them how to do it? Because whatever they do, you will call it stupid, just like you always do.

  2. Joe I would like to hear your opinion on this. I’m not holding you to anything but as a business man it would be interesting to know how you feel.

  3. Bars will be open and be contributing to the 90k a year death toll from alcohol. This is not a pandemic or a crisis. Just the number one abuse drug in the country but have massive lobbying firms and that’s all that matters.

  4. O.C = CLOSED 2020 !!! Get Real !!

  5. To avoid huge public backlash - possibly even civil unrest and rioting - there must be word of "talks" on the reopening of Maryland's only ocean resort.
    The fact is: The tourist summer of 2020 just ain't gonna happen.
    NY, NJ, PA, and all the folks from Baltimore would be flocking here.
    Six-feet apart? Where the hell is that going to happen?
    The powers-that-be know it's not going to happen, but feel it's better to announce it in two-week increments.
    Many cities and towns will be able to slowly re-open over the summer.
    Ocean City? NO possible way.

  6. Hogan will be opening OC very soon. He will again bow down to the Democrats. Hogan has already open OC to tourist just look at the tags from the heavily infected States down there and in the rest of the State. Hogan needs the money from the taxes, since the Legislature has increased MD taxes severely without his veto.

  7. Imagine what happens when restaurants are still closed on Mothers Day, which is one of the biggest days for restaurants in the entire year.

  8. Is the City council and Mayor of Ocean City ready to take responsibility for all the people they kill? Plus lawyers have said there is precedence for lawsuits involving their negligence.

  9. "Imagine what happens when restaurants are still closed on Mothers Day, which is one of the biggest days for restaurants in the entire year."

    The last nail in the coffin for some.

  10. 5:06..............Maybe some daughters will actually have to cook!!

  11. Ocean City should not be opened at all this summer. It's just not worth the lives that will be lost because of opening too soon. There's always next year but if you are dead, there will be no next year.

    1. Uh, can I have some of what you're smoking? Your fear does not negate our Constitutional freedoms....PERIOD

  12. 6:48 probably a lot more then just some, going to hurt a lot of hotels also. When the defaults on the loans start happening watch out. When we the deplorables riot AOC and Antifa better run and hide.

  13. Ocean City should be just closed down, its days are over. It is so boring and passé.

  14. Ok, I call Bullship. Data is not showing infected folks who have recovered are now getting it again...meaning the virus is STILL inside not getting infected again by others.

    GAME CHANGER IMO. Hello, someone who gets it, lives through it, but then it starts again without outside contact.

    Jesus folks. Science cannot happen as fast as TV. It takes time. Open up because WE are having cabin fever OR the economy will go POOF.

    Bottom line - LIVE or Die?

    OPEN OC just because we are tired of being home (strangers coming to our town without knowing WTF they have) or staying the course and of well DOOMSDAY for the Endless Summer of 2020?

    Sorry folks - many cannot make it because of lifestyle (private industry) choices - I get it. But Live or Die....come on.

    RESET of normality is here. OC CITY HALL and Rickie need to make life/death decisions. MD needs to make life/death decisions. OPEN and then live the circumstances......ride it out.

    THEY need to make that decision. I LIVE HERE, I've already made it and I'm staying put.

    Rest is up to politics and personally thats BULLSHIP!

    The sun will rise tomorrow regardless.

    Mr. Bourbon.

  15. Rickie Mary and Lloyd will not allow the city to open for anything but local stuff (haircuts, food, etc). Summer of 2020 is NOT going to happen - regardless of political influence.

    What we need to do is get thru this WORLD event and try to manage. Challenges yes, hurt yes, disappointment yes - but long term acceptance, yes.

    Good Gosh will this have an economic disaster based on history - ABSOLUTELY, yet history did not include a world pandemic.

    We adjust and move on. Does it do damage to the 2nd biggest city in MD during the summer, well yeah. But we move on. 2021, whats the plan.

    Sorry folks, its reality.

  16. O.C may as well quit Wining , because there ain't Gonna be ANY season
    in 2020 !!!

    Tuff shhhhht for them & MD Govt this year buddy !!!

  17. Let's see what OBX does. So far, non- resident home owners can enter 5 May with a permit or proof of tax bill etc. Last name starting with A thru I and so forth. If all goes well tourists will be allowed to enter 15 May 2020. Not sure how that will work out. Non-resident home owners allowed in must bring 14 days of food. OBX has 1 (one) hospital with only 200 beds - that's all. All emergencies they can't handle are taken by helicopter to Sentra in VA Beach or Norfolk VA. Don't know how many hospitals in Salisbury (PMRC) - only you use Johns Hopkins alot. I believe OBX is larger than OC but has fewer medical options so OBX plan may be a good start. God Bless America🇺🇸


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