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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Biden, at first virtual event as presumptive nominee, says he's 'coming for' Kamala Harris

At a virtual town hall on Wednesday, just hours after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race, Joe Biden assumed the mantle of his party's presumptive nominee -- and, at a separate virtual fundraiser, the former vice president suggested that one-time rival Kamala Harris may play a big role in his campaign going forward.

Streaming live to some 1,621 viewers on YouTube, Biden praised Sanders during the town hall for being a persistent and "passionate voice for progress," and also lauded the Vermont senator for "energizing millions of supporters."

"Earlier today my good friend Bernie Sanders announced he was suspending his campaign," Biden, whose comments were sometimes muddled, said at one point. "He didn't just run a political campaign. He created a movement."



  1. I hope he picks Harris, I can’t think of another person with a more annoying voice

  2. That little phrase can be taken at least a couple of ways.

  3. The only people that should be coming for her is the FBI.


  4. Did Slow Joe check with Willie Brown?

  5. Sadly all the corruption talk is just talk. All the new big events that will bring down all these people never do. It is our soap opera. Do the guilty with money ever have to pay for their crimes? Usually it seems the answer is no.


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