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Thursday, April 09, 2020

'I think I know': Trump says Obama hesitant to endorse Biden because 'he knows something you don't know'

President Trump said he believes he knows former President Barack Obama's secret reason for not endorsing Joe Biden.

"I don't know why President Obama hasn't supported Joe Biden a long time ago. There's something he feels is wrong," Trump said during a Wednesday press briefing at the White House. He went on to remark that Obama would not want him to win reelection.

"He knows something that you don't know, that I think I know. But you don't know," Trump added.

This week, former Vice President Joe Biden and Trump spoke over the phone to discuss the federal government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.



  1. Well, for starters , he's on the downslide to dementia. Second, Obama and the NWO haven't picked a VP candidate that can be trusted to step in during the fist year when Joe blows the big brain fuse.

    1. Agreed, he's only about a year away from being led around by the elbow by an intern.

  2. I can't wait to choose between two rapists in November...

  3. I think MOST people know

  4. Please, democrats, before you cast your vote for Biden, take a good, hard look at his running mate and make sure that is who you would want as your president. Trump is the only answer to all of this. He must be reelected or we are in for a terribly rough ride.

  5. It's an open secret around Wilmington that Uncle Joe has worn Depends for the last 5 years. He can't help it and, really, it's nothing to be ashamed of at his age.

  6. I know that Biden is an idiot even without the dementia not to mention a crook who sold this nation out for personal gain. The only reason Obama picked him was he was the only man dumber than Obama

  7. Hand picked just like they all are except....TRUMP its why they hate him

  8. Obama will never endorse him they never appeared that close when Obama was president he only used Biden in the campaign because he was well known for all his years of service. No one is going to endorse Biden who really knows all this history of family money gain, and things that never came to the front until now. He and Hunter committed crimes just like the Clintons and we don't even know all of it yet.

  9. Obama is withholding his endorsement for the one that will actually be on the ticket. And Obama knows the democrat dark secret that Biden will not be the one. That convention is going to be a shocker.

  10. Obama is going to endorse Joe don’t you know? He is on the go, making lots of dough. But fo sho, he will endorse ole Joe.

  11. "OH, what fun it is to ride............................"


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