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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Trump lays into Tennessee Valley Authority, saying he’d support big cuts to CEO’s salary

President Trump said he would support dramatically slashing the salary of the head of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest U.S. public power company, who he said earned a “ridiculous” amount of money.

He “has to be the highest paid man in any government,” Trump said during a coronavirus task force briefing Wednesday. “I don’t know the gentleman, but he’s got a heck of a job.”

Asked if he would support cutting the Tennessee Valley Authority CEO’s salary as part of any forthcoming infrastructure package, Trump said he’d support “reducing it by a lot.”



  1. This entire country is full of nothing but liars and thieves!! A total collapse and reset of the system and the citizens character and a little honesty and integrity

  2. All Politians need a 50% decrease in salary and benefits including a 30 year retirement or 65 yo. They should be on term limits with half the retirement if not satisfied with the year / age requirement. They don't earn what they get with all the perks which also needs to be eliminated.

  3. It stinks of swamp when one of the poorest areas has a government job paying that much. The folks in KY & TN should be pissed!

    8 Million in 1 year ???????? WTH ???

  4. So lets get this straight. A man, who like any good conservative, previously states he's for being rich and people making money. But now, when politically expedient, he complains about this CEO? Sure got ya bud. No hypocrisy there.

  5. 3:55 pull your head out your butt! he is a GOVERNMENT employee ! that means taxpayers are paying for him, it's not free Capitalistic enterprise, sheesh Economics 101 !!!

  6. Making money doesn't mean raping the customers 3:55


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