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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Maryland Covid-19 Data 4-29-2020

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland
Number of confirmed cases: 20,849
Number of negative test results: 90,080  
Number of confirmed deaths: 985
Number of probable deaths: 93
Currently hospitalized: 1645
Acute care: 1,060
Intensive care: 585
Ever hospitalized: 4,402
Released from isolation: 1,361

Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic

By County

County    Cases Deaths   
Allegany    116    (6)   
Anne Arundel    1,662    (75)    8*
Baltimore City    2,014    (94)    7*
Baltimore County    2,740    (104)    14*
Calvert    142 (8)   
Caroline    69       
Carroll    421    (45)   
Cecil    164 (8)   
Charles    551 (41)    1*
Dorchester    51    (2)   
Frederick    893    (45)    6*
Garrett    4
Harford    371    (6)    7*
Howard    831 (18)    1*
Kent    73    (4)   
Montgomery    4,152 (218)    24*
Prince George's    5,738    (213)    11*
Queen Anne's    55    (4)       
St. Mary's    145    (7)    1*
Somerset    21
Talbot    34 (1)   
Washington    197 (3)
Wicomico    350    (7)   
Worcester    55    (2)
 Data Not Available (74)    13*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender    Cases Deaths   
0-9    256
10-19    539
20-29    2,393 (7)   
30-39    3,511 (14)    1*
40-49    3,696    (24)    2*
50-59    3,792    (65)    7*
60-69    2,927    (152)    11*
70-79    2,035    (234)    12*
80+    1,700    (413)    49*
Age Data Not Available (76)    11*
Female:    11,130    (483)    52*
Male:    9,719 (502)    41*
Gender Data Not Available:  
By Race and Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity    Cases Deaths   
African-American (NH)    7,615    (404)    27*
Asian (NH)    434 (36)    3*
White (NH) 4,808    (390)    49*
Hispanic 3,473    (64)    3*
Other (NH)    747    (17)   
Data Not Available    3,772    (74)    11*

1 comment:

  1. Look at these bull crap numbers, not even a few hours ago, Worcester had its first death, now its 2 and it was lower than 55 cases...

    I mean everything you need to know is right at the bottom, Data not available, how is it not available yet you have data to say its not available??? looks like (74) deaths, that's data to me... How can you not know where they live??? its part of the tracking process... So that is how you know this is fake...


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