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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Baltimore Convention Center field hospital, with 250 beds, is set to open Monday

The Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital is set to open Monday and begin accepting patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The 250-bed makeshift hospital has been under construction for a little more than a month, after Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan set a goal of adding 6,000 hospital beds statewide in response to the pandemic, to help hospitals from being overwhelmed.

The hospital is being operated by Johns Hopkins Medicine and the University of Maryland Medical Center. It is not an intensive care unit or a testing facility, but it is set up to treat patients who are recovering from COVID-19 and still need direct medical attention.

No direct admissions can be made to the field hospital, so most patients will be transported to the field hospital through the emergency department inter-facility referrals.



  1. Do we have proof all of these extra hospitals are being used?

  2. Meanwhile Maryland hospitals and surgery centers are doing layoffs

  3. We have maxed out at 1500 hospitalized

  4. Nursing home patients who test positive or show symptoms should be the first in line.

  5. Nothing to see here. Everyone wants to work, health doesn't matter. They want to be in the restaurant's stuffing their fat bellies, in a bar getting drunk and out in public spaces. That is all you hear now. Don't worry about the virus, NYC has flattened the curve and the rich got their money. Everyone else get back to work and look the other way.

  6. 716 - because non-essential operations are not taking place.

  7. That'll just be a holding zone until they are transferred to the refrigerated trailers.

  8. 6:51 they are regulated and overseen by the state health department.


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