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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bill de Blasio appoints wife head of racial inequality task force

Mayor Bill de Blasio's wife, Chirlane McCray, will head up a special coronavirus task force that looks into racial inequality as part of his plan to reopen the city.

He added that he believes it will take more than 20 months to fully rebuild New York City.

As part of that rebuild, de Blasio announced different councils that will focus on reopening. His wife, McCray, will head the racial inequality task force.

The First Lady, 65, will work with Deputy Mayor Phil Thompson in the role that will focus on inclusion and equity to make sure the city 'rebounds as a better and more just society than the one we left behind,' de Blasio said.

The mayor defended the decision to put his wife in charge of that council, saying that her work with the embattled ThriveNYC made her qualified because of the ideas she generated, including a $250-million-a-year mental health plan.

'In terms of fighting inequality, Thrive has gone to that point and in many ways even farther,' de Blasio said. 'I think that's exactly the kind of mindset needed for this task force.'

However, critics have said that the ThriveNYC is ineffective. It's not clear how much McCray will be paid to lead the new initiative.



  1. Yea and I'm sure it is a very high $$$$$$$ position.

    When TRILLIONS of dollars are dumped into the US, one half of that will be sucked up by the politicians of both parties.

    How do you think they ALL get rich?

    That's the real reason for a crisis that makes no sense.

  2. Her salary for this job is one million dollars.

  3. Did nt she already steal money from another libtarded boon doggle.

  4. Maybe he needs a Task Force for Nepotism?

  5. Uhhh, HELLO...They still havent been able to figure out what the hell happened to the $850,000 TAXPAYER dollars that she was in charge of from the last state bureaucracy she was in charge of....just saying.

  6. So hat else is new? Politicians have been doing this for a long time. Just look at poor bill and hill and chelsea. They were sooo poor when they left the white house. (Sarc)

  7. Omg. I'm sick of these privileged bastards running things.

  8. I'm sure Al Sharpton would've been a good pick too.

  9. Ah political nepotism at its best. It was interesting watching the Mayor of New York City probably one of the wealthiest cities on the planet begging for a bail out from the federal government. These New York clowns flaunt there wealth every chance they get. IMO it's a snooty Libtard haven. Pay your own way.

  10. You guys complain yet you cheer as Trump puts several close family members in inluential positions. And they didnt even have to give up their personal business ties while they play with your tax money

  11. de Blasio is not even qualified for the job he has and definitely over paid so this is just ridiculous now there will be two over paid under qualified positions for them but yet financially the country is in debt. And what idiots ever voted for de Blasio in the first place of course the most notorious idiots of all New York City for electing him mayor. And our president doesn't even get a salary his choice, not double dipping like this pair.

  12. Yea, we already know the results. It all be da honkie M'F's fault. Reverse racism at is most liberal finest.

  13. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.


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