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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Woman, 36, Busted For Calling 911 To Complain Parents Shut Off Her Cellphone Service

A 36-year-old Ohio woman who called 911 to complain that her parents had shut off her cellphone service is facing a felony charge, records show.

Seloni Khetarpal was arrested Thursday for disrupting public services after twice dialing the police emergency line and asking for cops to be dispatched to her family’s spacious Canton residence, which abuts the 18th hole at the Glenmoor Country Club.

According to a criminal complaint, Khetarpal called 911 demanding that cops come to her home since her parents had disconnected her cell service. An operator advised Khetarpal, seen at right, to “only call for police assistance for legitimate purposes.”



  1. Looks like she is just as pretty on the outside as the inside.

  2. Another damn illegal alien ruining our country. Get these damn foreigners out of here and those of you who disagree with me can go with her.

    1. Can’t assume she’s an illegal. Probably not.

    2. You sound like a moron and she looks like a wannabe Jersey Shore kid.

  3. It's probably a really, really nice basement.

  4. So if phone cut off what did she call on with

  5. She's 36. Why are her parents paying for her cell phone in the first place?

  6. Future member of "the Squad"?

  7. It's our fault for allowing an entire generation to act like this.

    1. An entire generation?! Try again with at least two!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Can’t assume she’s an illegal. Probably not.

    February 25, 2020 at 7:26 AM

    Awww.... What a Snowflake. Did you know that you are part of the problem?

  9. Anonymous said...
    It's our fault for allowing an entire generation to act like this.

    February 25, 2020 at 7:25 AM

    I don't think the "entire generation" thing holds water. It's more like the illegal aliens coming into our country and demanding rights. We are enabling them to act that way.

  10. Anonymous said...
    You sound like a moron and she looks like a wannabe Jersey Shore kid.

    February 25, 2020 at 8:16 AM

    Who sounds like a moron??

  11. Anonymous said...
    She's not illegal if born here

    February 25, 2020 at 10:31 AM

    You just don't get it, do you!

  12. Spoiled Snowflake !!!!

  13. 36 and you can't pay your own bill? If i was your parent i would not only not pay for your phone but you would be paying rent on your own place. Just another entitled ass.

  14. All that money and they still can't buy a husband for their 36 year old Indian Princess. Pitiful. She shared the bedroom with her brother for too long.

  15. This is why I will live alone for the rest of my life if anything happens to my current marriage.

  16. I pity the Indian man that gets stuck with her. Apparently she's hard to "arrange" a marriage for. Nobody wants THAT, no matter how much her parents are willing to pay to get her out of their house.


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