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Sunday, March 01, 2020

A Great Question Was Asked Of Me Tonight About Salisbury Police Department Surplus

Quite often you will see multiple items from the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office listed on Govdeals.com. Items such as cars, bikes and all sorts of things that they confiscated.

Never once have we seen ANYTHING listed from the Salisbury Police Department. So, where does it all go?

I'm not suggesting anything outside of where. It just seems odd that they don't use traditional outlets and from this point forward I believe the public should be made aware of exactly what items are in fact surplus publicly and not hidden on some City Website. These are taxpayer items. Heck, who knows, the public just might find some of the items they've had stolen from their homes.


  1. They need to go back decades

  2. This was the same issue they had back under colbourne. Ask Jamie, She may know about this to.

  3. Under Coulbourne Dykes they had public auctions at the city yard on lake st,

  4. I was walking at the Civic Center parking lot over summer, no events going on, no one around. I found a bike in the bushes near the dog park. It was like brand new, but was used. I called the city police on my cell phone. Officer showed up. Checked the serial number on the bike. Was not reported stolen. He just said ok, thanks for calling and went back to his car. I stopped him, asked if he wanted the bike in his trunk to take back to the station. He said no, it's probably stolen, but he wasn't dealing with it. Told me "You can do whatever you want with it". And he left.
    It was an valuable bike and yes I kept it. But As the city cop said "Finder keepers".

    1. Liz gets dibs on any lost medicine.

  5. I will bet The majority of SPD surplus is sold in-house at incredibly low prices and the public is never given the ability to purchase anything. It all goes to cronies of the city I am willing to bet for pennies on the dollar of true value. Way back you could buy found bikes at auction, not in decades has it been done.

  6. LEO get first dibs on everything.

  7. It was an valuable bike and yes I kept it. But As the city cop said "Finder keepers".
    February 26, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    But you knew it wasn't yours. Basically, you stole a possible stolen bike or someone just left it there to retrieve it later. We may never know. But you're dinging a cop because he 'didn't deal' with an unstolen bike? I think you were just covering your tracks while you 'stole' it.

  8. You would not believe how much is destroyed then sent to the landfill.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I was walking at the Civic Center parking lot over summer, no events going on, no one around. I found a bike in the bushes near the dog park. It was like brand new, but was used. I called the city police on my cell phone. Officer showed up. Checked the serial number on the bike. Was not reported stolen. He just said ok, thanks for calling and went back to his car. I stopped him, asked if he wanted the bike in his trunk to take back to the station. He said no, it's probably stolen, but he wasn't dealing with it. Told me "You can do whatever you want with it". And he left.
    It was an valuable bike and yes I kept it. But As the city cop said "Finder keepers".
    February 26, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    Was it one of Jake Day's orange bikes?

  10. @11:42
    Hey genius, what more would you have done. He called the police, they didn't want it. Should he have just left it there? Go back in your Mom's basement to your video games.

  11. No 6:35, the hoodlums threw all of them into the river!

  12. I do know they have always given the stolen bikes they round up and not claimed to the needy children but that is all we have ever seen. Good question hope we get answers on the rest.

  13. Hey genius, what more would you have done. He called the police, they didn't want it. Should he have just left it there? Go back in your Mom's basement to your video games.

    February 27, 2020 at 8:19 AM

    Well, I am smarter than you obviously. Why would the police want it? And yes, he should have left someone else's property right there. It wasn't his now, was it? You people...

  14. February 27, 2020 at 9:37 AM:

    Yeah, yeah, we all know people, with no post secondary education, that claim to be smarter that everyone else. Your grammar is atrocious. Finder's keepers is actually embedded in law. But the find has to be reported, and the owner has to have the opportunity to claim the item within a specific time period. After that, it belongs to the finder. That even includes found money. As usual when people like you that claim to be smarter than someone else, you expose your ignorance.


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