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Sunday, March 01, 2020

I Told You Kuhn's Jewelers Was NOT Coming Back To The Salisbury Maryland Downtown Plaza

While Salisbury Mayor Jake Day's cronies kept calling me a liar stating Kuhn's was coming back after the downtown construction was complete, the Kuhn's building is being sold and Kuhn's IS BAILING


  1. Good to expensive anyway!

    1. Yeah I went in there knowing they were expensive and pulled up a cheap piece of jewelry that my wife liked online and asked if they had anything similar looking. I will pay for quality. The woman made some comment about not having anything that cheap there but did it in this smug way. Guess what? One of your local competitors got my money. I bought something REAL nice too. Bye.

  2. But,but,but, it's happening!

  3. Anyone with good sense knew this. Absolutely no reason for a business to relocate then move back to where they were to start with, with all that crap going on downtown where no one shops anyway.

  4. See ya Jake. It’s bad when she would rather pay exorbitant rent rather than stay in the building owns.

  5. Kuhn's has already bailed. They are renting from the College under the apartments next to Cheers.

    1. Overpriced store rent, revolving door of failed businesses and piss poor property management.


  6. My initial sympathy at the business disruption Kuhn's experienced due to Jake's wholesale destruction of the downtown streets rapidly evaporated when I learned the proprietor was one of his supporters. That's all.

  7. Someone should show this to Fake Jake at the BRICK ROOM 🍸🍸🍸🍸 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Someone should show this to Fake Jake at the BRICK ROOM 🍸🍸🍸🍸 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

    February 25, 2020 at 8:49 PM

    Ah, that explains it.

  9. It's my understanding that the owner of Kuhn's Jewelers was prepared to sell the building and relocate permanently out of downtown Salisbury, but Day pitched a bitch to the owner that a business icon like Kuhn's would bail on downtown Salisbury weeks prior to the election. What message would that send to existing businesses and individuals considering opening a business in the downtown area? To appease the whining mayor, Kuhn's owner agreed to say it was her intention to relocate back to the store's downtown location just as soon as the construction ended. It was never her intention to come back once she left.

  10. But there building a 14 story apartment building to bring people downtown.

    1. And I believe they are looking to put public housing in the parking lot where the flea market exists now

    2. They’ll end up section 8 housing

  11. Season Best Antiques moved out of downtown also, mostly due to the endless street destruction and roads closures, plus lack of free parking. They moved to 1223 N Salis Blvd with plenty of free parking and no driving maze to get there. Who will be next to move out of downtown?

  12. Don't forget the panhandlers from the bus stop 1/2 block away from Season's Best. I understand business is well at their new location.

  13. I was called a liar too. We all knew it was gone, especially when they left their own building! I might have got it worse than Joe. Has anyone heard about any businesses moving in?


  14. But NOBODY could have known that until they made the decision. Until then, it was just speculation.

  15. If their customers hadn't patronized the new "temporary" location, they would not have made the decision to stay where they are.

  16. Ahh yes Susan is not coming back to downtown. But she still has a “Jake Day For Mayor” sign in her windowπŸ™„

  17. What????? Is she nuts?

  18. The real estate was IMMEDIATELY sold. Apparently not all is bad "Downtown".


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