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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Wicomico County States Attorney Jamie Dykes Purposely Denies Publishing SU Racist Name

The cover ups lately by the States Attorney and obvious corruption not seen since the 1950's is a smack in the face to Wicomico taxpayers. Mayor Jake Day puts out a scathing video telling people to "GET OUT" and even clearly stated what was done in this case was a CRIME. Well I guess it's not a crime if black people do it.

ALL of your local media are just as bad as the rest of these elected officials. They can clearly see I've done my homework, they know crimes have been committed and yet they refuse to publish anything other then press releases delivered by liars. 

One commenter stated that we should all ban from purchasing anything from their advertisers to teach these local media stations we've had enough of their Fake News. I personally have to wonder just how they're going to spin the SPD theft story, this should be good. That is, IF they ever cover the story at all.

Jamie Dykes, the public wants to know the name of the individual who did this and the public has the right to such information. We also want to see charges for not only the racist remarks but also the fact that the entire University was shut down for an entire day costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. By now you are feeling the pressure from our exposure by the public. By now you're seeing the volume of unsatisfied comments and by now you're understanding you won't be elected again. Clear the air, tell the truth and STOP filing criminal documents at 6 PM on Fridays to cover up very serious criminal activity to protect the Mayor and Police Chief. 


  1. At the very least we need to hold our local media's feet to the fire. I for one will be informing management of any advertisers that support our failing media outlets.(except SBYNEws) That my bussiness will be taken else where..on line out of state where ever i need to go to avoid your bussiness due to your fiscal support of these WORTHLESS media outlets DT,WBOC WDMT.

    1. I have had no luck with Salisbury News. I sent something that should have been published. No luck. It says a lot.

  2. Thank you for having the cojones to say it.

    The truth is coming out:

    The demand for racism far exceeds the actual supply, so blacks are manufacturing it to reap the rewards.

    It’s happening all over the country and the media feeds it. Enough is enough.

    Equal justice now! End racism now!

    It goes both ways!

  3. Hi: I'm black and here's my race card...

  4. lol Yup The perp is black.

  5. I guess just like the"N" word it's ok if it's said between 2 black people. It's now Ok for them to write racest pictures & remarks so That people of another color would be blamed.This is a hate crime. The law has to treat people the same or it will encourage this behavior.

    1. It’s a crime that you have no idea how to write a proper sentence!

  6. Fact -it was a black male. Can you imagine the out cry if this were a white man. This is the second time a person of color has committed such an act with no consequences. Such a double standard !!

    1. We saw the outcry from Day, WBOC, students, etc when it was assumed the perp was white. Went from crime of the century to invisible. Judged by the color of their skin...NOT their character.

  7. Call WBOC, WRDE, WMDT and DEMAND an answer for why they do not report the news.
    Where is the investigative journalism and reporting? Why don’t they press Jaime and everyone in the office like Woodward and Bernstein would?
    Put a microphone in their face as they eat dinner at MoJo’s or walk to their car...

  8. Seems like there's a lot of ass-kissing going on in local government lately. Who's covering for whom... and why??

  9. Really 9:28. You expect them to actually perform journalism? Instead of being spoon fed fake news from these deceiving liars, Locally or via their progressive corporations. Real Journalism died when mom n pop media was taken over by mega nanny state. corporations. If any reporters took it upon themselves to dig and investigate they would be fired.

  10. All day every day "persons of interest" are named in the media. Just throw an "allegedly" before the name and you're good to go. So, there is absolutely no valid reason that this (alleged) person hasn't been named publicly. Other than preferential treatment and to save face after all the public outcry over campus being terrorized.

  11. Will Delaware Please Please Please invade and Take over wicomico,Worcestor ,somerset, accomack and northhampton counties

  12. Dear Jamie, That was a really nice public statement. It’s just a shame I read nothing but bull$hit. Please explain WHY this person has not been charged. Please explain why it’s been a week and said person had not been charged.
    Everyone knows why they have not been named. Just like the other 2 incidents. SU should be renamed The Jussie Smollett school of Hate Crimes Against Whites. Change my mind.

    1. Love your response! SU is in need of such a name change.

  13. Can we organize a protest or some type of event to show that the public demands answers?

  14. I contacted the SU public relations department and asked about the status of this case and why the suspect has not been identified. No response as of today. Crickets. My wife and I are both alumni of SU and are disgusted at how this has been handled.

  15. Things are falling apart in Salisbury faster than a Tinker Toy set in a hurricane.
    Police stealing cocaine, money,& who knows what else for at least EIGHT YEARS (!!) and THEY KNEW IT.
    How many criminals pleaded guilty to crimes for which there was NO EVIDENCE (but were told their cocaine tested positive and they can plead guilty or do life??)??
    Police stealing like, well, criminals, and no one is charged or fired UNTIL Salisbury News takes it to the public??
    Two Sets of Laws.
    The mayors wife selling her ace for drugs and soliciting drugs from minors on school property?? "We, the people" would be already in PRISON and thinking about registering as a sex offender. SHE sits at home watching Judge Judy and drinking coffee.
    Valuable county property being sold for nickels and dimes to already wealthy people.
    Our Zoo spends MILLIONS and gets kicked out of a national registry because they are such incompetent clowns and kill defenseless animals through (mostly) neglect, but sometimes very deliberately.
    THIS is the typical, standard, always the same Democrat liberal BS that goes on EVERYWHERE Democrats are in charge.
    Black people (!!) write racist graffiti (TWICE!) that roils the town and costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and THEY ARE NOT NAMED OR CHARGED??? They wanted a white person to be caught so they could trumpet their disgust of white racism. Stoking racial hatred is a crime, people, even if it ain't the people you wish it were....nothing happens.
    Murders, bank robberies, and rapes are weekly occurrences, but our "leaders" focus on rainbow colored sidewalks and bike lanes on roads that you'd be stone-cold crazy to ride a bike on....
    Crimes go purposely UNREPORTED to make our city seem perfectly safe and peaceful, by the very people charged with reporting and protecting us???
    Lets not forget the slumlords, either. Supposed upstanding community members tearing the poor people apart with their greedy slumlord behavior and total lack of concern for their community.
    Who thinks we don't need to start hanging these lying leeches???

    All you self deceived, liberal, rainbow loving, uneducated and inexperienced goofs who cheer the people who privately laugh at your stupidity while they run roughshod all over your rights and your safety (and take more money from you every day for doing it?)

    Keep cheering.

  16. 12:55 Very well said!!

  17. I'm black but I don't condone what was written or done at SU. If you commenters are so sure that a black person did this racist attack to blame another race, then I will be happy to see him/her held accountable but if not what then. Will you still lump all black people in the same category? The Bible says"What is done in the dark will come to the light." It also says, "You reap what you sow." I have been saying for years now that the news was bias and the news only reported what it wanted to report. I have doubts that we should be looking at a black person for the crime at SU, because believe you me that you would have heard about it the very first time the university was defaced.

    1. 5:20 It was a black male. And I’m sure you know the last time it was done it was a black female. Please don’t play the victim. No one on this site has lumped all black people together. We do however feel very strongly that the suspect needs to be held accountable. Especially since prior incidents have been swept under the rug and the student was even allowed to continue to attend SU. I would think you too regardless of color would want actions taken against the suspect. May I suggest you put yourself in the shoes of every white student that attends SU during these incidents caused by people of color. How would it make you feel?

  18. 5:20, I know for a fact it was a black male. Of course I/we do not place all blacks in the same category. What say you now?

  19. They don't have these problems at UMES


  20. Just think about all the corruption going on at the Salisbury Fire Department with John Tull, Darrin Scott and Jimmie Gladwell running things. Jake Day couldn't choose a better person for the fire chiefs job and we got stuck with John Tull. And John Tull couldn't choose better chief officers to help him run the Salisbury Fire Department, God help us. All 3 of them with their fake college degrees from a fake college. That should be enough corruption to warrant an investigation.

    1. One of them always rides their bike around campus and goes dumpster diving, the dumpster diving is mainly during the breaks when the college kids left behind items are getting tossed

  21. Do you know what truly confirms that the person responsible for the racist graffiti is black? If the person was white they would have already been charged and if a week had gone by since the state's attorney's office received the investigative file from the investigating agency and no charges had been brought, the local chapter of the NAACP would be on the steps of the courhouse demanding justice be served. Not even a whimper from the NAACP clearly confirms the suspect is black.

  22. A mountain being made out of a molehill !!!

    Every bathroom & school has Graffiti , can't keep closing them

    BIG OVER-REACTION !!!! In D-bury !!!!

    Blacks Do stuff & blame the Whites just to make news &
    Divide more !!!

  23. The person should be named!

  24. She needs to go. Come on election time.


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