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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Could This Be The Case The Salisbury Police Department Is Investigating With The 3 "Suspended" Officers?

I did some digging and found that on Dec. 8, 2011 three individuals were arrested in Salisbury for felony crimes, all related to the same case. The case includes drugs, guns, robbery and other crimes. 

I cant find a press release from that date in order to find the arresting/investigating Officers but I'm pretty sure this is the case in which these officers were suspended over. If I were to guess I would say they gave one another, (defendants) options to snitch on each other in order to walk and the Wicomico four did away with the evidence at hand for complete exoneration of charges. 

I'm not sure what benefits they received, unless it was just for a solid case for reputation or respect, a pat on the back if you will for the public eye, elections or promotion benefits? 

Helping a snitch isn't an uncommon practice, I've seen a ton of it in Salisbury. However, to what extent are they allowed and did they step slightly over the line or was it a pole vaulting leap?

Mind you, I'm not saying this is the exact case everyone is looking in to and I will continue searching but if the public only knew of the DEALS the SPD makes you'd be blown away. Morale is extremely low in that department and as Officers make felony arrests, the Chief lowers them down to a lesser charge to keep their FBI stats looking like crime is not as serious as it actually is. Officers feel like, why even arrest people any more if they can't get the proper results. Why be a Cop!

I even heard a story about a King Pin who had been arrested for major drug crimes and ultimately released after they snitched on other local/smaller dealers. Then I heard most of the people they snitched on were already in jail, the King Pin actually and ultimately walked. As long as it makes the department look like they're doing a great job, they're allegedly letting the major distributors go. 

Now this is the kind of information you will never see from the rest of your local media because they're only interested in press releases. You can clearly see from yesterdays video press conference the medias lack of experience in the questions they asked the Police Chief. Had I been invited it would've been hard core questions with demands for answers. Chief Barbara Duncan knows this, hence why I was not invited. She wants the children at the local stations there with no experience so she can control them. 

In the mean time I will continue with my research and see what I come up with. 


  1. Every time I see a photo of Chief Duncan it concerns me(pre or post current scandal). She looks deeply troubled.

  2. Search “December 8 2011 Salisbury police arrest”. Top story will be from WBOC. Search those individuals in the case search, you’ll see the involved states attorney, officers, dispositions and any additional filings and dates.

  3. Time for the FEDS to step in are you 👁️👁️ Hogan ?

  4. Names of Defendants from 12/8/11?

  5. Your theory wouldn’t include a states atty. methinks they swept exculpatory evidence under the carpet and there was some pro boner work with a states atty so they wouldn’t get dimed out. Just my thoughts.

  6. Chief is an enabler that is conspiring to break the law. Then you wonder why Salisbury is decliming and unsafe. She should be FIRED with no severance and no tax payer benefits, since she is circumventing the law.

  7. Years ago there were rumors about prominent citizens being involved in drugs and that the FBI was covertly investigating. What became of all of that? I am sure some of the readers of this blog know the names of those who were mentioned in connection with this. It seemed quite well known at the time.

  8. If the suspended officers are not charged with a felony they are still receiving their full salary and benefits while suspended. She did not tell you that.

    1. Yes she did. She said they were on pd. leave. Watch video again.

  9. Thank you very, very much Joe!!!

  10. How long have these officers been suspended ? And she needs to be investigated by the state and feds.

  11. I'd need to find and re-read the quote I saw to be sure. But, it said something like it involved 3 officers, a state's attorney's agent, and a 3rd party benefited from charges not being filed/dropped?

    I had assumed when I read that that the 3rd part that benefitted was the MAYOR. IE, the major asked the charges be buried against the officers to benefit the way the city looked/mayor.

  12. I can tell you this from being prior law enforcement and thank God I don’t live in this sh@t hole anymore, but if an officer is suspended with pay, he/she is facing serious possibly terminating charges. The reason for suspension is to first protect the department for additional misconduct and to protect the public from a sworn officer from continuing course of misconduct. They would remain suspended pending outcome of investigation. Normally the investigation and related suspensions is due to a criminal law being broken. They remain on payroll because they are innocent until charges criminal charges are filed against them. It would then at this point be suspended without pay pending outcome of criminal trial. So for any SPD administer (Duncan) to downplay the seriousness of this is only trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes. She is making every attempt to push this investigation long term in order to secure her pension which becomes eligible in October. Once she reach that mark she will draw a retirement and roll out Both Duncan and Jake are in this plan together. Everyone should reach out to your local delegates and tell them you demand Jake and Duncan be investigated. I already have.

  13. Thank you Joe for all the digging you are doing. You are right, we would never know any of this if not for you.

  14. Keep cheering!!

    I've started joining the people laughing at your totally stupidity for cheering the people who can, and will kill you, rob you, and generally do whatever they want, just because someone pins a badge on them. Get off your knees.
    And, what about the judges in this town, who CERTAINLY knew SOMETHING was going on with evidence in criminal cases.
    They HAD to know.
    Anyone feel like Salisbury is living the real life "Dukes of Hazzard"??
    Laurel and Hardy could do a better job than ANY of the "leaders" or their enforcers in this town.
    God help "we, the people".

    Keep cheering.

  15. $600,000.00 Cash Confiscated!!!!

  16. I believe we need to call in a Federal Agency to do a Total Investigation on our Police Dept. This has gone on long enough and the cover up is deep and wide. We must get to the bottom of it and expose the truth...

  17. hey mclain, "we the people" voted these fools into office! so salisbury gets what it deserves! clowntown! glad I don't live there! git em Joe!

  18. This is a case for the FBI to look at. Their phone number is on your phone

  19. This is awesome “banter” everybody, keep up the good work! And Joe, thank you for the forum to view & comment on these pressing issues. The reader comments are just as awesome as the article/story itself. The story, the comments, the criminals—it like the cause & effect of how a democracy works

  20. What has this Chief been doing? Sleeping? Non existent in the department? Or just a complete idiot. Let me guess one of those that scores great on tests but can make it work in the real world. It is time for her to retire, we need someone better to not let all this happen right under her nose. Combine with the Sheriffs office to save us all money.

  21. Get a clue:

    The Feds import the drugs and sell to CIA handlers (king pins). The local cops know who the Fed handlers are and avoid prosecuting them.

    Most Americans know nothing about Federal Government crimes. The US Gov is a criminal cabal. People should educated themselves!

  22. This is like the democrats looking for a crime so they could impeach. No facts whatsoever.

  23. the sad thing is. This is not the first time that theft, and drug deals, etc have happened in the SPd. Think about several years ago when those cops were dealing drugs. I want to say about 20 years ago or more. At SPD corruption is a constant. Joe start digging back through history of that last 25 years you may dig it back up to add fuel to the fire of how far this mess goes back.

  24. A friend of mine moved to Fla from Salisbury and was doing a job for a retired FBI AGENT. The agent upon learning he was from Salisbury asked him if he knew a certain prominent business man.The answer was yes and the agent then stated he was a known drug dealer in the FBI and the drugs at that time were coming in by boat on the Wicomico river. High speed Cigarette boat..

  25. Wait, I want to hear about Santa and the Easter Bunny🤣 There’s a story there and nobody’s talking...


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