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Friday, March 20, 2020

WALSH: Democrats And The Media Are Covering For A Communist Country To Blame For A Global Pandemic

During this time of crisis, it is fortunate that Democrats and the media have remained focused on the most crucial issues. That is why, even now, as the number of infected rises and mass closures and shut downs threaten to send the economy into a tailspin, they are still enormously concerned with the words we use to describe the virus that precipitated all of this.

These valiant defenders of truth and virtue insist that we mustn’t call it the China Virus or the Chinese Virus or any variant, because this is not China’s fault. It’s very important, they say, that we absolve the totalitarian communist Chinese government of any and all blame in the small matter of the global pandemic that began in their country, under their watch.

At a press conference yesterday, a reporter asked President Trump about his use of the “Chinese Virus” label, and claimed that the term is linked to “incidents of bias” against the Chinese. Trump gave an appropriately stern and dismissive response, but let’s really stop to think about this for a moment. There is a pandemic. Over 20 percent of Americans have had their hours cut or lost their jobs. We may be facing another Great Depression. This reporter has a chance to ask the President of the United States a question in the midst of all of this, and that’s what she wants to talk about?

She’s certainly not alone...


  1. I have a name for this stupid deadly virus everyone is making such a political issue. I say we name it "CHINOCRAT VIRUS". That is putting China and Democrats together of who I think is responsible for the virus.

  2. It should lead to a Declaration of War

    The fact that it has NOT resulted in War indicates the 2 governments are in collusion against their Populations.

    In which case it should lead to a Revolution

  3. The question was about being racist 😂 not depression. President Trump does very well 👍 with stupid questions from the media.

  4. What I just saw in Trumps news conference was a president doing cya for China. Gloating about his great relationship with China and their leaders and how much they liked him.
    If it was so great we wouldn't be in this mess.

  5. The democrats are in collusion with china

  6. 124pm...that kissing butt your referencing is Trump trying to keep this from escalating and actually starting a war, or would you rather see war? This virus was introduced by deepstate actors, at the head of deepstate cabal are the democrats and the fake lying news media is their arm. Could china be in part responsible? maybe...but the first person to have the virus was an american military MI that went to china just days before this broke out. We may never know but one fact cant be hidden and that is the deepstate enemy has been thriving for decades and Trump is the only one with balls enough to fix it. This pandemic is another coup just like russia, impeachment, Ukraine....they are willing to kill any and all to take the power back. Educate yourself, its your choice to know.

  7. 2:22
    Thank you!

    The voice of reason finally. The US Government is corrupt and evil to its deep state core. I wish Americans would become true Patriots instead of pansy cheerleaders for a corrupt government and military.

  8. Demon-crats & Their Biased & Controlled Media are behind

    alot of things !!!!


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