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Friday, March 20, 2020

Farage: Communist China Regime Responsible for Virus ‘Nightmare’

Nigel Farage has taken aim at journalists accusing President Trump of bigotry for laying the blame for the “Chinese virus” at Beijing’s door, saying they are indeed to responsible for it.

The People’s Republic of China and its one-party, communist regime, Farage noted, “seems to be above criticism” as the pandemic rips through the West.

“When President Trump has talked about the ‘Chinese virus’ (others have called it the ‘Wuhan Virus’) he has been met with waves of criticism and accusations of racism,” the Brexit Party leader observed in a Newsweek article.

“In the House of Commons, shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry even said of Trump: ‘Now he’s calling it the foreign virus, blaming it on Europe for its spread and today blaming China.’

“I hate to break it to Ms Thornberry, but Trump is right,” he said bluntly.



  1. Trump should create an executive order to create manufacturing here and end trade with China

  2. Not going to convince Trump haters.

  3. Democrats and CHINA are in collusion to interfere with this election


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