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Friday, March 20, 2020

Hawley: Before Bailouts, Corporations Should Commit to Move Jobs Back to America

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said in a statement on Wednesday that multinational corporations should explain how they plan to move jobs back to America before asking for bailouts from the federal government.

“To any multinational corporations that come to Congress asking for taxpayer $$$, you better come prepared to explain how you will move supply chains and jobs back to America if you want my vote,” Hawley wrote on Wednesday.

The Missouri senator’s comment follows as Congress is considering legislation that would bail out the airline and other industries affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Hawley introduced legislation late February that would combat potential drug shortages and help the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gather information regarding potential shortfalls in pharmaceutical companies’ manufacturing capacity.



  1. They don't need a bailout! Why should my tax dollars be used so they can pay the premiums to their stockholders ? These companies make millions a day. If their planes are not flying then they don't have the expense of fuel, maintenance from wear or flight crews to pay( lay offs like others do)!

  2. No bailouts for large corp. like Boeing, airlines, Cruise ships etc.
    It's proven they used the tax cut to buy back stock just like the Dems said they would.
    Ran up the stock market for Trump. Now we are in one heck of a mess.
    No bailouts. Let them all figure a way out or go Bankrupt.
    Send the money to the American people to live on and start up new business.
    Send Boeing a bailout for Killing 400 people in a jet (737) they new was flawed? No way,

  3. Agree with above posts. However, in order to woo business back to U.S. we need serious reformation. Entitlements must be pared dramatically, all must share some burden. Reform healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

  4. Make ALL come back to America Or can't do business here !!


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