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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Thousands attended Miami gay festival; several later tested positive for coronavirus

As the coronavirus continues to spread and disrupt life worldwide, one festival is finding the memory of its celebrations tinged by the outbreak.

The Winter Party Festival, an annual, weeklong LGBTQ event held in Miami, drew thousands from across the country when it kicked off earlier this month. But though it ended March 10, in the week following the event several attendees have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to festival organizers.

“We know there are many places people could have been exposed before and after Winter Party as this virus has developed, but we wanted to make this information public as soon as possible,” Rea Carey, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, which organized the festival, said in a statement Monday. “The health and safety of anyone who participates in any Task Force event is of great importance to us.”



  1. Did they test for AIDS too?

  2. They are used to Viruses !!!

  3. Awwww poor Jake will have to cancel his 🌈🥊🌈🌈 parade lol.

  4. Confirmed case moments ago on social media stating she was at Seacrets in Ocean City this past weekend. Might want to get the news out.

  5. It’s like a Simpsons episode.

  6. Better test Ireton then

  7. Was Pelosi there ? !!!!

  8. 5:25
    And the episode never ends

  9. Jake can you make a somber video when you Catch the virus ?

  10. Wasn't Seacrets closed along with all other restaurants/bars?


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