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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Republican congressman calls on Trump to make China forgive US debt over coronavirus crisis

Rep. Jim Banks thinks China needs to pay the United States for the spread of the coronavirus.

The Indiana Republican told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Monday night that the U.S. needs to hold China accountable for the crisis the coronavirus has caused stateside, which could including making the communist country forgive a chunk of America's debt.

Carlson said during the segment: “The coronavirus is a Chinese virus, no matter what they are telling you. It originated in China and was able to spread to the rest of the world because the Chinese government hid the truth of what was happening early in the outbreak from the rest of the world. They lied about it, and that caused the terrible consequences we are watching now. You can blame China for that.”

Banks responded that holding the country responsible should be in a financial manner.



  1. Damn right! This is costing our country billions!

  2. ALL the debt Should be forgiven !!! & investigate if their
    Govt or Military intentionally put out this Virus !!!!

  3. This WILL be found out that DEMOCRATS HELPED CHINA put this out to DESTROY TRUMP.

  4. Who are the two that don’t want another 4 year of President Trump!!! The dems and China. They are colluding!!!!

  5. ask Joe Biden how much he and his son got from China? He is also now defending them.

  6. Yea and wait for that one

  7. Bloomberg paid for this to be released on the world to get at Trump.

  8. All Above are CORRECT !!!!

  9. Good luck with that one lol🤣

  10. You can't leave out bill Gates people. Either the man is a psychic or he gave hints back in 2015 what they were preparing for


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