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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Government figures show ICE arrested illegal immigrants responsible for over 1,500 murder convictions in 2019

Illegal immigrants arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the United States for 2019 included individuals responsible for more than 1,500 homicide convictions.

In total, illegal immigrants in ICE custody were connected to 1,549 homicides, according to figures published in a report by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general.

The number is down from figures collected in 2018, when ICE identified illegal immigrants responsible for 1,641 murder convictions.

In 2017, which was the first year ICE publicly published the numbers, the agency arrested illegal immigrants responsible for 1,531 murders, bringing the total over the last three years to 4,721.



  1. Send them to Guantanamo. Obongo made sure there is plenty of room for them there.

  2. Now now, Pelosi and Shommer both said he is just a mixed up boy and was sowing his wild oats.


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