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Sunday, March 01, 2020

The Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Is An Idiot!

The mass majority of the animals at the Salisbury Zoo are in what is called the SSP program. Meaning, the Zoo does NOT own these animals. They are owned by the AZA. The AZA can and will ultimately remove these animals because Salisbury has had below par employees for more then a decade and Directors are a total joke. No one wants that job because the Zoo is so screwed up and the City won't pony up the funding to maintain the Zoo. 

For those of you who are unaware, many years ago I delivered to the former Mayor Barrie Tilghman FIVE THOUSAND necropsy reports, (same as an autopsy, except for animals) of animals that had died at that Zoo. My Wife was ultimately retaliated against after serving as the Vet Tech for 18 years. The Mayor had a chain of commend in which my Wife was not allowed to bring this information to the Mayor, so I did. Five Thousand Animals Ladies & Gentlemen! The Zookeepers were the Directors bar drinking buddies and he refused to hire people with degrees in Zoo keeping.

Anyhow, getting back to Jake Day, his message above is just stupid. Now it's a mater of AFFORD!If in fact there's any truth to them losing their accreditation a year ago, why wasn't the public made aware of such major information? Insert foot in mouth Jake. 

To be so childish to state the accreditation is of "no value" shows just how immature he is. So know this people. The majority of animals, (especially after the AZA reads his message and this post) will be removed from the Salisbury Zoo and all you'll have left is Canada Geese and Chipmunks. Way to go Mayor Jake Day, you're an Idiot! 

He will spend MILIONS on bike lanes no one is using but he won't support or provide funding to keep up the biggest "gem" Salisbury has.


  1. Well I can think of some interesting species to replace the animal but they probably wouldn't allow themselves to be caged voluntarily. You could provide round most of them up at the Brick Room.

  2. So the Zoo covered up the 5,000 animal deaths so well the AZA wasn't aware of it until I let them know. That is when the AZA started cracking down on the Zoo, as they should. Can you just imagine how convenient it is now with the crappy employees there and no Zoo Director just how much in jeopardy these animals are in! Everything is a cover up in Salisbury. What say you now Zoo Commission?

  3. so now the kids from salisbury can ride their bikes safely while gazing at the colorful sidewalks and the lynching memorial! aint clowntown great?

    1. Dont forget the pride flags and rainbow streets and all the murals of important black people.

    2. Good to know that bothers you. 🤣😂

  4. Just in time for him to slither away for his mall cop detore.

  5. The numbskulls that assisted getting this slacker re-elected should get run out of town.

  6. So..last year, when he decided to not fund for the zoo and instead funded all those feel good projects like a racist mural and odd painted streets with lumps...so they were completed just in time to make him look good for re-election.

    Maybe the zoo manager fled because he knew there would be no funds and it would soon all crash.
    No more zoo...thats not going to end well!

  7. I also want to point out that the writer asks about the validity of SbyNews's claim. Day responds with a "plbbbb!" and then confirms that SbyNews is correct.

  8. There's no value in painting sidewalks either, but you did that Mr Mare!

  9. Where are The Friends of the Zoo on this? And which city council member sits on the zoo commission?

  10. I just forwarded Jake's message to the powers to be at the AZA. I want them to see his Facebook post. Next will be the SSP.

  11. Good. I hope this whole town gets investigated. Very long overdue.

  12. Now, Mayor ClownBoy is back peddling away from the SU "terrorist hate crime" debacle by using the technicality that SU is not actually *IN* Salisbury so he "has nothing to do with it." Check out his Facebook BS!

  13. Close the zoo and build more section 8 housing

  14. Can you share a screenshot of the top of this conversation?

  15. This has gone on forever. The Oliphant family bought and Elephant little Ollie the locals fed it dirt and gum. The Leopard paced itself to death in that tiny display compound the Bison survive because these locals know about caring for Cows. I like the idea of a Zoo but this place even in my own childhood was sad and depressing the animals on our family farm were happier and better cared for and tasted far better in the end.

    1. I totally agree that the animals look very unhappy and are in area's too small for them. If they close I hope all the animals go to sanctuaries that will ensure them care and room to move around

  16. Can someone tell me what has happened to the baby bear that was born at the zoo? Is it still alive? and if so, will it be taken away by the AZA?

  17. Yea Jake doesn't want to admit how bad it is. The reason there is no zoo director and staff are fleeing in droves is because they couldn't retain this accreditation. The zoo director was asked to resign to rather than fired to not loose benefits earned by time served. Their situation is dire and only getting worse.

  18. February 27, 2020 at 4:41 PM Is that you Michele Section 8 Gregory?

  19. February 27, 2020 at 5:20 PM
    Sorry but from an HR view point your comment makes no sense. Retain what benefits? If they were earned it doesnt matter how he went out the door. Paid vacation is paid vacation.
    Pension is Pension. Fired, retired if its earned it is due.

  20. The AZA has high standard and high fees to be accredited. Only approx 10 percent meet and pay for this accreditation. The AZA does represent the highest standard, however not being accredited by the AZA does not necessarily mean a bad condition exist. Once again there is a charge to be accredited to the AZA, but there are other accreditation’s that can be had.

  21. If it has been over a year, why havn't the animals already been removed.
    And Joe, if your wife was the vet how did she let 5000 animals die? Or is a vet tech someone not responsible for the care of the animals. I am sure I am missing something there, as well as 5000 seems like a high number. What kind of animals? Just curious.

    1. Peta would storm the gates.
      5 is high. 50 is ludicrous. 5000 can't be real.

  22. I like the idea of a Zoo but this place even in my own childhood was sad and depressing the animals on our family farm were happier and better cared for and tasted far better in the end.

    February 27, 2020 at 5:02 PM

    I thought that was funny

  23. The Zoo was just fine last Friday....I was there and walked through it no issues! I suggest you visit the Zoo and actually see it for yourself before posting negative comments!!! I talked to two employees that were absolutely polite, helpful and pleasant!!! Don’t know a thing about AZA but if the accreditation was withdrawn a year ago??? Then was is it really needed in a small Zoo like ours??? Lord knows we have plenty of Vets in Salisbury that could nicely look after the animals!!

  24. If it’s like hospital accreditations...it’s a joke. Pay the fee.....and voila ...you’re accredited

  25. If it’s like hospital accreditations...it’s a joke. Pay the fee.....and voila ...you’re accredited

  26. Day is quite the spinner. Next he'll be saying that paying all that money to have the Salisbury Police Department accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) isn't really that important and is a waste of money. Best thing Day could do for himself and the city is control himself from monitoring social media and confronting people (some being Salisbury residents) whose opinions he doesn't like. Time for one of Day's friend to pull him aside and tell him to grow up and just focus on doing what's right by the city and its residents.

    1. Being CALEA certified ISN’T important. It doesn’t mean crap in the scheme of things. If you’re so smart...tell us...what does CALEA accreditation do and how does it benefit the department and city in general? Whoop de do. It standardizes things and provides “best practices”. A strong policy and procedure manual does the same exact thing.

  27. 7:59 You have zero clue what you're talking about. For a hospital to be accredited by a legitimate accreditation organization, hospitals pay a lot of money for teams of evaluators to spend months in the hospital inspecting everything that goes on within that hospital from maintenance practices to human resources policies and almost everything in between to make certain the hospital is engaged in best practices. It's not just a matter of sending in a check to get an accreditation certificate.

  28. Anonymous said...
    The numbskulls that assisted getting this slacker re-elected should get run out of town.

    February 27, 2020 at 2:55 PM

    That's right. They are just as much Douche Bags and he is. Right Beth Reid, Jamie Ruark and Sheriff Shawty!

  29. Anonymous said...
    February 27, 2020 at 4:41 PM Is that you Michele Section 8 Gregory?

    February 27, 2020 at 6:59 PM

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Michele "Section 8" Gregory!! Now that is some funny sht if I do say so myself!


  30. Man kills baby llama after trying to have sex with it - Netphoria

    Sep 5, 2003 - Man kills baby llama after trying to have sex with it - Netphoria Message Board. SALISBURY -- A Parsonsburg man was being held late Wednesday in the stabbing death of a 5-day-old llama at the Salisbury Zoo that investigators say could be linked to a depraved sex act.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Dont forget the pride flags and rainbow streets and all the murals of important black people.

    February 27, 2020 at 7:40 PM

    Are they really important black people? NO! What about the real important people in Salisbury? Let's try to forget them.

  32. Anonymous said...
    The Zoo was just fine last Friday....I was there and walked through it no issues! I suggest you visit the Zoo and actually see it for yourself before posting negative comments!!! I talked to two employees that were absolutely polite, helpful and pleasant!!! Don’t know a thing about AZA but if the accreditation was withdrawn a year ago??? Then was is it really needed in a small Zoo like ours??? Lord knows we have plenty of Vets in Salisbury that could nicely look after the animals!!

    February 28, 2020 at 1:23 AM

    BAHAHAHA!! One of Jake Day's rabid followers is TROLLING Joe's blog.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Day is quite the spinner. Next he'll be saying that paying all that money to have the Salisbury Police Department accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) isn't really that important and is a waste of money. Best thing Day could do for himself and the city is control himself from monitoring social media and confronting people (some being Salisbury residents) whose opinions he doesn't like. Time for one of Day's friend to pull him aside and tell him to grow up and just focus on doing what's right by the city and its residents.

    February 28, 2020 at 8:39 AM

    Why are you posting this stupid advice? You must feel sorry for him and trying to protect him. I say let him keep digging his hole and we can bury it.

  34. Anonymous said...
    7:59 You have zero clue what you're talking about. For a hospital to be accredited by a legitimate accreditation organization, hospitals pay a lot of money for teams of evaluators to spend months in the hospital inspecting everything that goes on within that hospital from maintenance practices to human resources policies and almost everything in between to make certain the hospital is engaged in best practices. It's not just a matter of sending in a check to get an accreditation certificate.

    February 28, 2020 at 8:43 AM

    You are correct.

  35. The sad part about Salisbury, is this, when you add something to the city such as the painted murals, you shouldn't loose what you have already established, the accreditation of the zoo.... It seems we add something to the city only to take away other things.... smh

  36. Jake only does things that the people that voted for him want or agree with. Since he does what the Salisbury voting constituents want (or he tells them what they want or don't need) he's doing his job. A good job as far as his voters are concerned.... Don't complain if you didn't vote if you could.

    Really that simple!

  37. Ah well, turn it into Splashbury and be done with it.

  38. I guess its true, now, The Daily Rag published it.


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