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Sunday, March 01, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Be Here Tonight As I Will Break What Might Be The Biggest Story SBYNews Has Ever Delivered (2-25-2020)

That's Right States Attorney Jamie Dykes, I'm calling your bluff. You have till 5 PM to provide a thorough press release on your own or I will break what could be the biggest story I've done in 15 years. Even if it's in pieces, I want to details.

Keep watching SBYNews throughout the evening as I will publish an article tonight. 


  1. Thank you, Joe! You have always done such a great service to our community by holding the "good ol boys" accountable! Hope you can get to the bottom of the SU cover up too!

    1. Check with Langley they wrote the script

  2. I’ve been waiting for a response from the University, the city, and the states attorneys office. The city in the mirror I look like crap when the truth comes out. Jami please do not tell us no crime was committed like happened last time. At least trespassing, vandalism and inciting racial hatred against whites should be your charges. Do University in the mayor or a huge apology to the white population they called out as being racist. i’m a graduate of Salisbury state university and a voter in Wicomico county waiting for their responses.

    1. But obviously not an English major..

  3. Joe, A press release on what? There are several things going on already?

    Is it the Jake Day/Salisbury Police Fk Ups or the Salisbury University/Jake Day racist hoax?

    Notice that both significant events involve Jake Day? That's right folks, Jake Day is a big screw up and you keep supporting him and put him in office to screw up even more!

  4. Joe, you might want to be more specific and clarify what you are saying because Jamie Dykes already did a press release on the SPD thefts.

    1. That was a general statement NOT a press release! A press release would have who, what, when, where and how, all lacking from their statement of vague facts!!!

  5. Oh good and thank you Joe. So damn tired of all the cover ups in this town.

  6. Thank you Joe. We all need to know the truth about these corrupt Good Old Boys and Crooked Politicians. Why can't big media like Fox get involved. Local media so afraid they'll be punished if they break any news about these corrupt people.

  7. πŸ‘️πŸ‘ƒπŸ‘️. πŸ–️πŸ–️πŸ–️πŸ–️πŸ–️πŸ–️ Bye bye
    Lock her up lock her up.

  8. Well done Joe - I’m sure you have her attention now!

  9. Wow! Now, I can't wait. Fun to watch and learn. We'll be here.

  10. Joe I bet these lib scum thought you where going to walk away from SBYNEWS When you got your bar restaurant ? πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•Them

  11. Joe don't forget to watch part II of the disaster Dem Debate tonight 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

  12. 3:03 I don't think it's the people on here that keep putting that idiot back in office I think it's the low information(low IQ) voters that vote a straight party line. Hell those people would vote for Hitler if he was alive and running.We can also fault the Republicans for not finding a candidate willing to run that could win,the last guy they put up stood about as much chance as a snowball in hell. A black conservative might do real good.

  13. Is Davis Ruark going to return!

  14. Mayor Day's wife buys Ritalin for hubby Ritalin from one of her students. SPD's evidence room run like a food bank in Baltimore at midnight.
    SU sitting on information about person(s) who wrote racist graffiti on walls.

    And...……..nobody knows a thing.....?
    Those individuals involved should thank their luck stars that none of the local news networks have a legitimate journalist with a backbone.

  15. SU students need a class action lawsuit

  16. Go Joe expose these injustices that the public has the right to know!

  17. Its 5. Lets see it Joe.

  18. 5:00 where is the beef?

  19. Like the Russia, Russia Russia probe, they are trying to let as much time pass so the public will forget about this. They are taking a page from Nancy Pelosi's playbook.

  20. I have to agree with 3:03. There's so damned much CORRUPTION and COVER UP around here...WHICH 'story' is going to break?

  21. She says she has no obligation to charge the black guy who left the racist graffiti ... she’s a coward

    1. I call bullshit. She does have an obligation to throw the book at the black guy. It's called inciting racism and vandalism ect she will not get elected again if she let's him go. If it was white it would have already been on the news. Reverse racism

  22. Lashley needs to do his job and make a decision, what a waste.

  23. 4:30 you got that right!

  24. Anonymous said...
    She says she has no obligation to charge the black guy who left the racist graffiti ... she’s a coward

    February 25, 2020 at 5:45 PM

    No obligation? what if it had in fact been a light skinned person? would there have been a obligation then? This is total b.s. A crime is a crime, does not matter what the skin looks like. Or is this not a crime at all? in that case they should not have reacted like they did. From fake day to Jamie Dykes and the FBI. If its no crime and NO obligation then why call in the FBI? Whats the point and they just told them all that it's ok to do it again and again. No consequences. Unless your of light skin color. They need to be charged. If you don't then nothing will change and it will be done again!


  25. Someone scribbled something tasteless on a wall at SU. Nobody supports that point of view.

    SU reacted by shutting down the school for a day to have a group hug. Now comes the inference that the SU police have a pretty good idea or better as to who created the graffiti. Apparently it wasn't some frothing racist like the governor of Virgina, and was actually a hoax ala Smollet. It is up to them to proceed.

    1. But not holding the racist accountable it only encourages this false flag type of hate crime. We can only surmise that SU approves this kind of racism against their white students

  26. February 25, 2020 at 3:49 PM
    How about a black gay conservative?

    Not sure why you think the "last guy had a snowballs chance in hell". He might have if the f'd up fake republicans here had supported him. But they don't support each other and aren't real republicans, so I was not surprised they didn't help him. Oh and he wasn't born here. But how is that working out with fake day?

    Democrat Boda, Whimpy Larry and Drunk Julie? What a laughing stock.

    Jake bought all the votes with his minority pandering. King tried to go after the intelligent voters but obviously couldn't find many.

    Enjoy your black gay ghetto.

  27. Yes, Joe! Expose the truth! Put it out there. Please.

  28. It doesn't fit Salisbury University's narrative now so they will let the story die.

  29. Typical bull shit Ed Lashley hates white people. You can bet your ass if they were white they would be charged. So no malicious destruction of property at the very least. Come om J.D. you are continually slipping into they very hole you have been warned about. Once you have crossed that threshold there is no coming back. In this case I would have to ask myself what would Sam Vincent do. Every cop in this county knows what Sam would have done. Stop being a politician and do YOUR job. I swear I will following this closely and if one white kid gets charged with M.D.O.P. and your office pursues it I will spend every bit of energy and funding I have to see you are not re-elected. Funny thing Big Eds kid got a pass on a misdemeanor charge years ago. Would Ed have done the same thing for a white kid. NO is the answer. Lady Justice is blind. So are we all created equal in the eyes of the law. The hypocrisy is sickening. The only thing Ed likes white is women. I bet he doesn't even like white bread. BS

  30. Every school year 2-3 of these so called racist hoaxes and not one person has been held accountable yet they've known the culprits who've done the crimes

  31. She's HOT!!!! She can "prosecute" me anytime.


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