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Sunday, March 01, 2020

'Stink like dead skunks'| Odor from hemp farm dividing Maryland neighbors

Maryland legislators are considering banning hemp farms within two miles of residences, but agriculture supporters cry foul.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A surprising side effect of the CBD oil craze has left farmers who grow the oil-producing plant in Baltimore County, MD feuding with their neighbors.

"Hemp fields stink like dead skunks!" claimed one neighbor of a farm that grew hemp outside Baltimore during the summer and fall of 2019.

"Many of my neighbors complained of allergic reactions, eye irritation, headaches and nausea," the woman said to WJZ in Baltimore. "We need to change Maryland law to stop this nightmare."

As a result, Maryland's legislature is now debating a proposed ban on growing industrial hemp -- used in the production of CBD oil -- within two miles of homes.



  1. Well then, the same should apply to chicken farms and CAFOs.

    1. I agree. These damn chicken houses stink far worse than the hemp field on Nutters Cross Road. The 5 chicken houses located on Mt. Hermon Church Road need to be taken down and moved 2 miles away from any homes.

    2. 8:30 how long has the land the chicken houses are on been zoned agricultural? Was it zoned agricultural when you bought your home? If so maybe you should move.

  2. Yep I seen a pro sign for this on RT 50 across from Jack's market is BIFF getting into dope ? Ask his wifey.

  3. I would rather smell skunk weed than that horrific stench that's going to be coming out of the sludge Pit

  4. Put chicken houses in those fields and see how they like the smell then.

  5. 8:02 Agreed!!!!! Should be applied to all if they apply it to this!!!

  6. dont like the smell, then move to a city.
    farmers have a right to grow whatever legal crop provides them with money.

    wonder how those people would feel if a hog farm was put in

    1. Not after this becomes law.

    2. I wonder what these people would eat without the farmers growing food. Oh yeah, I forgot that walmart and food lion sell food

  7. They're doing this to help destroy the economy on the shore {as if it isnt already bad enough} Their plan is to run conservatives out and can more easily be over taken. Their itching to run from the areas they've destroyed and bring their progressive marxist ways here. I say build all the chicken houses n stink weed farms we can, keep those idiots on the other side of the bridge.

  8. I see no difference between this and the questionable manure spread out in Hebron sometimes. I'd rather smell pot than poop

  9. February 28, 2020 at 9:01 AM

    All about the Benjamin's, screw the neighbors who lived here long before your pot farm came along?

    We should just all suck it up so you can make money, while we lose equity in our homes, or can no longer sell our homes because of the stench.

    You must be one of those new kinda farmers, because the old timers were more considerate.

    I saw where the Holloways were protesting the law protecting our neighborhoods - fighting for "their right" to farm. What about their neighbors rights?

    Matt made some ridiculous comment about the 2 mile perimeter. How did they figure that out? By the stench Matt. Its obvious how far you can smell it. Its not rocket science.

    1. 9:39- The neighbors have the right to farm too. That's "what about the neighbors!" Anyone who has bought property in Maryland, signed an addendum that states the right to farm. It doesn't specify hemp, but the language encompasses all types of farming. The old farmers were more considerate? There is a feed mill in Snow Hill that stinks up almost the whole town. It's in city limits and has been there for over 50 years. Only on Sunday do you get a break, as it is closed. So, my point is, what the hell are YOU talking about?!

    2. Lol girdletree such a moron

    3. 2:48- Seeing you so butthurt over my comments only amuses me. I'm always happy to piss off idiots!

  10. February 28, 2020 at 9:01 AM:

    Funny that you mention a hog farm. There was a lawyer that purchased a farm that bordered the North side of Ocean Pines a few decades ago, and requested a zoning change that would allow him to build a retail shopping center. Of course all the Ocean Pines residents opposed his business plans and his re-zoning request from farming to retail. So the lawyer used his investment for the purpose that it was zoned for. He built a profitable hog farm right next to Ocean Pines, and even though they tried, there wasn't a damn thing they or their lawyers could do about it. Seems that it was so long ago that many who oppose legal farming practices have forgotten.

  11. Doesn't Maryland have a right to farm law to protect farmer's from nuisance complaints?

    1. Yeah and it's going to CHANGE because like you and Biff it's NOT about the people anymore it's about lining your pockets with tax paying $$$$$$$$$🖕

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  12. Chicken houses smell great and are really good for the soil and water

  13. Some people don't mind the smell of commercial hemp fields.

  14. Dead skunks? Really?

  15. Just had an a-ha moment! Our whole area smells like skunks, and I couldn't figure out why. We live out the country and have heard rumors that there's a not quite legit weed farm near us. Smell is always worse near their property. IMHO chicken poop smell is "better"... and I should know growing up on the shore.

  16. Maybe there really are dead skunks in the field and that is why it smells that way. Skunks might have od from eating hemp.

  17. Girdletree, feed mill is not farming. Its industrial. Not everyone is a jerk like you. Some of us are decent human beings.

    1. 2:46-What makes me a jerk for having knowledge? Wrong, it is farming! There is nothing idustrial there. It is a feed mill. That is farming, not manufacturing. You have anger issues. Knowledge is not indecent. You're a true sad sack who apparently can't deal with someone with actual knowledge. I don't pretend to know what I'm talking about. "Not everyone is a jerk like you." Do you realize how pathetic your comments are? Grow up, junior.

    2. 2:46- A Feed mill is not farming? We can stop right there, Bloomberg.

  18. Well then, the same should apply to chicken farms and CAFOs.
    February 28, 2020 at 8:02 AM

    Actually it should.

    No one buys their home anticipating a skunk farm in the back yard. Most purchased based on what is going on at the time they buy the home. Corn, soybeans, produce, etc.

    "My land I can do what I want" is BS. Sure to a point, but when you are hurting hundreds of your neighbors then it's obvious the "farmer" is the problem.

    And there is a difference between farming and industrial farming.

    Sounds more like a selfish greed issue. With a certain group of these "farmers" they don't care about anyone or anything but money. They would screw their mother out of a nickel.

  19. I like the smell of the hemp. Very nostalgic.

  20. February 28, 2020 at 6:27 PM what a moronic statement. we are not talking about food or traditional farming.

  21. Chicken houses are owned and operated by traditional farmers, how long have you been living here newbee

    1. I want those new built chicken house on Mt. Hermon Church Road moved. This law will ensure that happens. See ya!

    2. 7:29-Don't hold your breath. You done trolling? See ya, Idiot!

  22. A feed mill is absolutely no different than any other food processing facility. It grows nothing. It is not farming. It is a food production facility, and no different than a bakery, or any other food processing plants that have odors coming from them. In the flawed logic of some, they think any plant that processes crops into food is "farming." A feed mill is no different than Kellog's and Kellog's is not a farming business. Fed mills are not farming, no matter what it smells like. If you don't like how your neighborhood smells, MOVE! That feed mill was there before you bought your property. Guaranteed!

  23. Skunks that are still alive, but barely.
    Just been hit by a car.
    That is when they spray

  24. Ahhh, the sweet smell of skunk weed. Nothing better.

  25. February 29, 2020 at 10:36 AM:

    That the best you got? Oh, never mind, you're from Girdletree. That town smells like the chemical dump that it is. If you think the feed mill stinks, and you live in Girdletree, you're the dunce. Go back and check your mailbox for your government check.

  26. February 28, 2020 at 10:29 PM:

    You are indeed the jerk, and it pisses you off when it is pointed out. Anybody who thinks a feed mill is farming is, well, stupid. So keep telling us how stupid you are.

  27. February 28, 2020 at 10:37 PM:

    You know as much about farming as Bloomberg does. And that is not much. Only an idiot thinks a feed mill is "farming." Show me the farm dumb a$$.

  28. Geesh, why don't you two get a room? The sexual tension between you two is hard for us to watch.

  29. Girdletree is dense. Even when told 3 times, he still doesn't get it. He is too stupid to realize how stupid he is. He claims he likes telling people how stupid he is, because it "pisses them off." And he thinks he is genius. Go figure.


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