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Sunday, March 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes....(2-27-2020)

Numerous teens from North Dorchester Middle School and other schools were arrested for fighting while on a school bus trip to Ocean City


  1. Maceys lane middle school punks where responsible for starting it 5/6 kids Arrested PARENTS need to start being ARRESTED.

  2. These punk ass kids ruin it for everyone .... WHEN are we going back to the old days of CANNING.

    1. Yeah, close them up in cans or jars (canning). That'll teach them.

  3. Was the SPD pizza unit called in.

  4. CANNING? I don't think we were ever doing canning.

    1. Anything like canning tomatoes with a pressure cooker?

  5. We do canning every year when the fall crops are harvested. The kids didn't like it at first, but do now that they can invite a friend over to help and learn. As a bonus, we don't have to cane them as often.

  6. It happened at the Junior Achievement event at the OC Convention Center.

  7. I like your way of thinking 3:26

  8. It does no good to try to help these kids. Just incarcerate them and be done with it.

  9. This is ridiculous! A nice event is out on and people can’t even go and behave.

  10. Wow, I wonder if they are capable of achieving anything.

  11. Start fining parents $500 ... Next 1 day in jail... Next 5 days in jail.
    The pt parents ARE THE ISSUE.

  12. I thought Republicans were running the schools ? I guess I'm wrong it's still the dirtbag libs letting the thugs off.

  13. 3:26 wins the internet for the day!

  14. Exactly why i take and pick up my kids from school everyday

  15. Some of that Jayme “I love Jake Day” Hayes and he stupid Junior Acheivement bull$hit! Wicomico County and Bob Culver need to quit funding that lame crap!! All we are doing is funding Jayme Lynn’s job and her executive salary! She is not a county employee so let’s stop wasting our hard earned tax dollars on her fake program!

    1. This was Dorchester Macy's lane thugs.

  16. #1 females? Youths?

  17. Oh the antics of the un-aborted. What a Zombie plague spawned from a few minutes and corporal frictional fleeting pleasures.

  18. Arrested but probably not suspended.

    All of the schools have reached the maximum number of black kids they can suspend this year without being sued for "discrimination", although I could never understand the relationship between skin color and violent behavior or why the two are somehow related when it comes to punishment.
    Fighting and violence? It seems ONE group is always at the forefront of that behavior, but liberal people running the school system always seem to find an excuse (notice I didn't say "reason" - that implies some sort of logic) to say all races are equally violent in the school system and black kids are unfairly singled out.
    Total BS.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Macy's lane principal was assaulted last year THUG back in school back in the day you where EXPELLED.

    2. I think you are correct 4:32 - I moved from the area a decade ago so my kids could attend good schools - no school system is perfect, but whatever is going on in Dorchester and Wicomico is a sin!

  19. And when these kids act violently they are returned to their class. Many times these kids have long histories of dangerous behavior and the teachers are not even made aware. Happens every day in our schools, and the worthless wicomico board of education just unanimously voted to allow the superintendent to remain in the job. Nothing is going to be done about this.

    1. Yup that's because there liberal scum and don't do anything unless it's shaniquas kids get F UP

  20. More Failures at MACYS LANE MIDDLE great work DCBOE and Principal SMFH.

  21. Animals belong in the zoo!

  22. Salisbury Middle School students did a great job. Hats off to the students and the staff from sms.

    1. Pfffffff
      Shall we bring up how many assaults happened there last year ?

  23. Northwest Woodsman: Hmmmmm, just let me guess the racial component of this fiasco. Amish or Scandinavians again?

  24. These (FIA) or future inmates of America

    are practicing for fights in the prison system they are destined to go to

  25. Anonymous said...
    I thought Republicans were running the schools ? I guess I'm wrong it's still the dirtbag libs letting the thugs off.

    February 27, 2020 at 3:54 PM

    Well we have RINO's in Wicomico County, Gene Malone, John Palmer, Ann Suthowski, Tonya Laird and nothing but worthless Pieces of $hit and we will be contributing to their opponents in the next election. This is their last term because we are going to take them out of office.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Some of that Jayme “I love Jake Day” Hayes and he stupid Junior Acheivement bull$hit! Wicomico County and Bob Culver need to quit funding that lame crap!! All we are doing is funding Jayme Lynn’s job and her executive salary! She is not a county employee so let’s stop wasting our hard earned tax dollars on her fake program!

    February 27, 2020 at 4:13 PM

    I agree with you. If Bob Culver puts any funding in the county budget for the worthless Junior Achievement I will work hard to get him out of office. Same goes for any county council member that votes to put funding in the budget for this worthless program.

    Jayme Hayes is a Jake Day loving piece of crap.

  27. Anonymous said...
    And when these kids act violently they are returned to their class. Many times these kids have long histories of dangerous behavior and the teachers are not even made aware. Happens every day in our schools, and the worthless wicomico board of education just unanimously voted to allow the superintendent to remain in the job. Nothing is going to be done about this.

    February 27, 2020 at 4:34 PM

    "...and the worthless wicomico board of education just unanimously voted to allow the superintendent to remain in the job.?

    You saw that to! We need to campaign to remove these worthless sacks of $hit from the Board of Education.

    And John Palmer is a member of the Republican Central Committee whose job is to put responsible Republicans in office. He is also Mr. Voice who was responsible for the Revenue cap in Wicomico County to make our elected leaders fiscally responsible. We made a mistake by putting his name forward to the Governor to appoint him as a board member. He is a dumb redneck who can't even decipher what is right from wrong.

  28. This is nothing, y'all should see the videos of the fights at WiHi everyday. There was agroup of about 10 people just this past week.

    1. Conservative parents won't do nothing about it until there kid is beaten up.

    2. Conservative parents left wicomico county years ago - as one of those parents I removed my children from schools that I thought would become dangerous. Turns out that most of the shore has gone under

  29. Obviously, no one cares about these teens or what they do. So, throw them in jail and continue that cycle. Throw them in the Army and let them be something bigger than themselves. Let them continue until one or more gets killed.


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