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Sunday, March 01, 2020

So Many People Watching The Video It Freezes And Ultimately Stops Playing!


  1. Who was the reporter JAKE DAY LOL.

  2. blah blah blah, no one in position of power held accountable! throw a peon out. meanwhile the circus continues! donuts is a waste and so is snowballer Jake! dykes up next to tell us why there's nothing here?

  3. What cases? And who are the officers?let the public know. Nobody can believe all these officers who think they have “instant power” are always on the up & up??? Rats everywhere

  4. What cases? And who are the officers?let the public know. Nobody can believe all these officers who think they have “instant power” are always on the up & up??? Rats everywhere

    1. What cases? And who are the officers?let the public know. Nobody can believe all these officers who think they have read the same exact thing three consecutive times! Lol. Can you believe it? You just read it three times!

    2. Touché


  5. Three cops suspended. Sounds like it's a good time to rob a bank here.

  6. OFFICER BULL ?????

    1. Not Bull but you are very, very close

  7. 6:35 pM, that was done today at Hebron savings bank on Carroll street

  8. More COVER UP !!! As Usual > All under the Rug again !!!!

  9. Shhhht rolls Down-Hill so , the Higher -ups Never get in any
    Trouble !!!!

  10. 6:35 someone beat you to it

  11. Who is that man in the white shirt in that picture?

  12. The most disturbing part is her comments about “internal investigation.” Will charges be brought if reports of crimes are verified? Apparently, no. They will not hand over investigative materials to anyone and will use department protocols, including job termination. If you or I were accused of such things we’d be sitting in a cell right now.

  13. To clear the air with the public, the public should request that Jamie Dykes and Barbara Duncan submit to 1) a polygraph that they were not aware of the existence of this memorandum nor the content of the allegations in the memorandum prior to its “discovery” and 2) attest under the penalty of perjury that they were not aware of the above listed memorandum nor the content of it. Because if they were, that’s a bigger issue. If they aren’t willing to submit to these steps and make the findings known publicly, that’s a red flag. Yes, I know polygraphs aren’t admissible in court, so do it two, polygraph and attesting under the penalty of perjury! If they don’t want to do that and make the results known publicly and shown publicly, have them move on in life! The public deserves such from their positions!!

    1. Joe, you should draft this up as a headline post calling for their voluntary participation and submission to such with the results being made public. If they want to show that they truly serve the public and want to restore confidence!

  14. She ain't that good looking to crash a server !!!!!

  15. Some years back a death occurred at a residence on Liberty Street.SPD slammed a lid on the investigation and refused to comply with information requests.A substance was all over the victim and inside his residence.SPD would not even identify what that substance consisted of.Those present said it smelled like bleach somewhat,but a lab could certainly have identified it,since the victim was most likely murdered.


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