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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Biden says 150 million people killed by guns since 2007

Former Vice President Joe Biden erroneously claimed more than 100 million people in the United States have been killed by guns in the last decade and a half.

Biden, 77, made the assertion during Tuesday's presidential debate in South Carolina while touting his record on gun control and taking a dig at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"Imagine if I said we give immunity to drug companies, we give immunity to tobacco companies. That has caused carnage on our streets. One hundred and fifty million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability. More than all the wars," he said.



  1. Just the man we need to win the presidency.

  2. I heard that last night too and could not believe he said it ?... Trump 2020... Fantastic...

  3. Baltimore and Chicago need to step up their games.

  4. His campaign should throw in the towel. He’s taken too many blows to the Head.
    It is an embarrassment that anyone would even consider him competent to run for any public office.
    I mean no disrespect but Joe is obviously suffering from early onset dementia and Alzheimer’s.
    People must demand he be removed from consideration.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who heard that. I think it's time to take his drivers license away.

  6. You cannot have gun safety in isolation . This needs Federal action .
    Does it matter how many . One is too many

  7. He also Stopped Ebola. Stan Lee based all the Marvel characters off of Joe Biden. And Joe Biden once used CornPops' head to knock down the Berlin wall when he defeated the Persians in Thermopoly

  8. maybe he was talking about the number of the clinton "friends" who have died

  9. Some of them in our Libya/Syria disaster, some from our fast and furious fiasco and the rest are from Democrat controlled cities like Salisbury.

  10. Well the past has proved he wont hesitate to lie for any reason. But right now he's purposely laying a trail of proof for his failing health plea's when he's sentenced for his Ukraine theft and corruption.

  11. So this crew is the best the Dems can offer for 2020?. They have assured a Trump win in November.

  12. Well the Democrat's FAKE news did Not report it !!! LOL LOL

  13. He can't even LIE right & get away with it !!! LOL

  14. "Gaffe machine" is no longer amusing. That man needs to have comprehensive testing for dementia onset.

  15. Good Lord! He can't even READ the talking points they wrote for him and put on the podium. He is mentally deficient to be president.

  16. Do Ya Think , it would have made the news ??? 150 million ???

  17. Half of America Dead then !!! Not many left to Vote !! Dugh


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