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Friday, March 06, 2020

Pentagon linguist charged with espionage for passing secrets to man linked to Hezbollah

A female linguist working for the Pentagon in Iraq was charged with handing over classified information about on-the-ground human sources assisting the United States to a Hezbollah-tied foreign national with whom she was romantically linked, according to the Justice Department.

Mariam Taha Thompson, 61, was charged on Wednesday in a Washington federal court with “transmitting highly sensitive classified national defense information to a foreign national” to a man with “apparent connections” to the Lebanese-based Hezbollah, a foreign terrorist organization tied to Iran. If convicted, she could face life in prison.

The 12-page FBI affidavit put together by Special Agent Danielle Ray said the information that Thompson passed along “included classified national defense information regarding active human assets — including their true names” and that by compromising the identities of these human assets, Thompson placed the lives of both the human assets and U.S. military members in “grave danger.”



  1. Romantically involved just about says it all.There is no doubt in my mind that Hezbolla had some good looking guy seduce that woman (who is probably as ugly as a mud fence) to get all the information they wanted.

  2. Obama had this group for dinner at the Whitehouse, talk about unfair....

  3. That sounds like treason.

  4. So she was a spy...She should face the most severe consequences.

  5. The Deep State is Deeply Seeded. I don't think even Trump can weed them all out. It will have to be a persistent, systematic removal of the traitors.

  6. She should be hung by her neck and then shot.


  7. Try, convict, execute. Gets the choice of cigarette or blindfold. The only way this type of scum can be dissuaded.

  8. sad to say the only way to stop this is hanging in pubic till dead

  9. She was not a very cunning linguist.


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