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Friday, March 06, 2020

Cannabis case dropped, for now

With insufficient evidence against him, Jacob Dylan Forrester, 20, of Berlin was free to go after a prosecutor requested a nolle prosequi, or dismissal, of his case, which involved a suspected marijuana growing operation in his home.

On Oct. 29, 2019, a property damage call led Ocean City police to Forrester’s 57th Street apartment, where they found roughly five pounds of suspected cannabis. Also discovered were what appeared to be several large cannabis plants, two kitchen-sized trash bags full of the plant material, as well as tools used to weigh and designate sales prices.

Forrester was arrested, and charged with possession of more than 10 grams of cannabis, possession with intention to distribute and possession of a gun replica.



  1. Lab results inconclusive?! Well at least I know not to buy any of Jacob Dylan Forrester's crappy weed.

  2. A gun replica? really? That is as screwed up as sayin a Swiss Army knife is "Burglary Tools" in a arrest.
    Sounds to me like an overly ambisous prosecutor and cop trying to RailRoad this guy. He should now sue the pants off of them!

  3. Sounds like, to me, he made a "deal" with the prosecutors.

    Didn't sound like there was "insufficient evidence" with the list of contraband that was posted. THAT'S the best reason they could come up with??? LOL

    See how many of his friends go to jail in the next 6 months.....

  4. Somebody has been raiding the local hemp farms. Did dirty cops buy dud weed and retaliate? Damage control call ya say? Confiscated the hemp that was used to cut the real grass with? Was the real evidence swapped out, better inventory those damn evidence rooms!
    Gun replica is telling, proves that after you get 12 to the chest...you were actually no threat at all. Good thing he didnt have a dog.

  5. There's a pattern for all cases. Just look into the number of Nolle
    Prosequi and weak pleas being accepted in Worcester Co., even with child sexual abuse. counting weak.pleas in strong cases as wins .

  6. They dropped the assault on that other guy too. Guy gets robbed and then beat and eventually dies, they pled him to theft only. Weak.

  7. Worcester County State's Attorney Heiser has been in office for a little over a year now. She is very seldom seen inside of the Worcester County Circuit Court, unlike her predecessor, Billy McDermott. She doesn't personally prosecute cases because she is afraid that the public will actually observe how unqualified that she really is.


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