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Friday, March 06, 2020

VP Pence ridiculed for praying with coronavirus task force

An old adage proclaims that "a picture is worth a thousand words" – and in this case, it's an official White House photo that's triggered some rather nasty comments about prayer.

After a photo of Vice President Mike Pence praying with his coronavirus task force went public, waves of criticism mocking the United States' second-in-command struck social media. In the White House photo (right), Pence is seen seated in a circle with the task force as they bowed their heads in prayer, with the others remaining in the room standing while bowing their heads – 17 in all.

With Twitter and other platforms taking issue with the vice president – a self-described evangelical Christian – his latest prayer has "sparked a heated debate on social media about religion, politics and the efficacy of prayer," according to Christian Headlines.

A writer for New York Magazine and Harper's Magazine, Thomas Chatterton Williams, headed up one wave of derision over the photo on social media channels, generating nearly 10K comments, 5.5K retweets and 20K likes.

"Mike Pence and his coronavirus emergency team praying for a solution. We are so screwed," Williams colorfully tweeted Sunday as a caption to the photo.

Another journalist implied that prayer is not and should not be welcomed or permitted in the White House – especially concerning urgent issues.

More here


  1. Here it is. It's what the constitution says, and all it says about religion. Make of it what you will, but note what it says about prohibiting the free exercise thereof:

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

  2. Never be too proud to say a little prayer.

  3. Ya'll better to be ready to censure the Salisbury county council for saying the Our Father prior to the start of their meetings, also Congre and the senate for opening prayers daily at the start of their sessions.
    C'mon folks get real this country was based on religious freedom its
    even mon our money..

  4. One Nation Under God - We Trust in God - when did we turn this far away? I truly feel sorry for all the Satin worshippers. Going to be warm down there.

  5. Don't diss the power of prayer.

  6. *sigh* I moss those days when media reported using real facts, data, and accounts. Not create a "news" story based on what a random unverified bucket of internet trolls, keyboard warriors, and bots put out on social media.

  7. That's great. Let them expose themselves for what they are, evil. Anyone who ridicules a leader of the people for praying, is a fool and will pay a price one day.

  8. 11:10
    Media in the US has always been controlled by the rich families who own the Fed
    Ditto for Hollywood in general and NY Entertainment

    It has always "Programmed" us. . .

    It is Tell-a-Vision

    Get it?

  9. If he were a Native American in full head dress praying to the great spirit that would be okay. If he were Ilhan Omar praying to Allah that would be okay. Only a Christian man praying is subject to ridicule.


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