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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Nine-year-old boy asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he is gay too during emotional moment at campaign rally

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg gave some personal and emotional advice to a nine-year old boy who asked for advice on how to be brave and tell the world he is gay.

The boy, Zachary Ro, was one of many people in the audience at the Colorado town hall in Denver on Saturday, who submitted written questions for Buttigieg ahead of his appearance.

The pieces of paper were then put in a fishbowl, where Ro's was drawn and handed to Buttigieg to read out loud on stage.



  1. Perverse and inappropriate

  2. I question this. How would a 9 year old boy know he is gay without some type of influence from I’m guessing his mother? He hasn’t even gone thru puberty yet. Is there a father in the picture?

    1. Could be he attended a library session with a shim reading.

  3. Because a 9yo really knows sh-t from Shinola.

  4. This world is so queer to me anymore! No pun intended

  5. wtf is wrong with his parents? how does a nine year old even know what this entails? only problem with this world is crazy people!

  6. Tell me again how homosexuality and pederasty aren't related again? HE'S NINE FREAKIN' YEARS OLD. Even if he is gay (and I doubt it- i'll bet some "woke" parents put him up to it) HE'S NINE FREAKIN' YEARS OLD. He should be playing with play-doh or legos or something- not thinking about who he's attracted to in a sexual way- cause he's NINE.

    That's it- corona-Chan, wipe us out, please.

  7. WOW what a disgraceful set up.

  8. Not old enough to vote or smoke drink drive have surgery but the luciferians allow them to decide this garbage or have an abortion. Is this not CHILD ABUSE

  9. 1140....stop perverting the term "woke" The term "woke" has always been used to realizing that our country is being destroyed from within, corruption, pedophilia, brainwashing, ect.. It's in no way shape or form related to coming out of the closet.
    Its staged and scripted to bring lots of publicity. Will he gain some votes from it, prolly from the pedophiles. It speaks volumes of his perverted character and mental illness. But lots of clicks n free publicity, not mention supports child abuse.

    1. Woke is a stupid word with no real meaning except Obama brought it up in a talk show to be - cool -- It is lame just like cool! 😂😂😂 So is lame - you get my point?

    2. We get it
      You don’t accept language manipulation as a form of communication about larger conceptualized thoughts.

      We will keep it simple for you from now on

  10. NINE YEARS OLD?...WTF??? ....just smh!!

  11. You folks are funny. As a straight male, I can tell you now: I def was looking at a few of my teachers in 1st and 2nd grade knowing "hey I like what I see". Pretty sure a kid can recognize potential attraction, even tho they don't know the specific mechanics.

    1. If your straight PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT thank you.

  12. Ok let's see how real he is ? HAVE IT CUT OFF.

  13. When I was 9 I truly believed I could breath under water like aqua man. Then my dad threw me into a pool.

  14. It is truly terrifying that some of the same people who think they are sharing coherent thoughts on this blog are able to vote lol

    1. How do you think Obama was in office for 8 years?😉

  15. Child abuse. He is a very sick man.

  16. Let's face it Democrats lie and will do anything for power. It is a race to take Trump out of office - not what they can do for our country.

  17. Man he could be a Boy Scout leader in training Now....

  18. And Jake Day worships this freak! You've got a sick pink as mayor of Salisbury

  19. This is his parent(s) doings. A 9 year old doesn't know what the difference in queer and straight is. A 9 year old just doesn't think about things like that without prompting from an adult orb older person. Besides, most 9 year old boys don't like girls anyway at that age. They think they are yucky and have c cooties. But that passes and they see thing differently after awhile, if a parent isn;t convincing them that they are gay. Why in the hell would any parent do that?

  20. Joe Biden would be smelling the boys underwear and hugging him. Now there is a sick man!

  21. He will be an Intern !!!

  22. Demons influencing young minds works everytime..what could go wrong

  23. Talk about Child abuse

  24. The boy said he feels excited and funny in his tummy in the shower at the YMCA when he sees the other boys and his parents took it from there saying to him he was gay. He was brainwashed into this condition. They should have took him to church and prayed to God to fix him.

  25. NOTICE In the video the kid got to say NOTHING ... they rushed him off the stage.

  26. They always exploit children for sex or political gain

  27. Butt likes his Gigs !!!

  28. I didn't identify my sexual desires until I was 10 years old.
    This young man is on it!

  29. Dear 9 year old gay boy:

    You don’t need any “help” telling people you’re gay, because you obviously just told the whole entire world. Hope you don’t change your mind later, because it’s out there now.


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