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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Maryland to Shut Down Restaurants, Bars Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

All public schools in D.C., Maryland and Virginia are closed starting Monday, federal workers are given telework options and Metro has reduced service

Maryland will shut down all bars, restaurants, movie theaters and gyms at 5 p.m. Monday to stop the spread of coronavirus, the governor says.

The state will also ban all gatherings of more than 50 people, Gov. Larry Hogan said.

Restaurants can offer carryout and drive-thru service.



  1. is this just for today, everyday, or until...?

  2. The writing is on the wall.

  3. up next martial law

    1. Yep FUNNY Dems didn't do this during Sars when 9000 people died.

    2. Flu killed 61,000 last year... barely heard a peep...

  4. The level of pandemonium the media has painted for this flu is crazy....this is going to drive small businesses out of business buckle up it's gonna get worse

  5. Restauranteurs need to start saying "NO!". Will the police be utilized to enforce these totalitarian restrictions? It will be a great test to see how well these leaders and law enforcement believe in civil liberty.
    Having them stay open for takeout is pointless. People don't go out to most restaurants just because they are hungry. They go to be social, enjoy the environment, get served, and escape the house. Its amazing how many people are "happy" to have their civil liberties stripped. Where is the outrage? Where is the banding together to refuse these totalitarian restrictions? What happened to America?

    1. Stop being selfish! Act as if you spouse works in the ER. We need to get ahead of a possible spread so we don't overwhelm the hospitals.

    2. The sky is falling. What do we do when we have a real pandemic.

  6. This is amazing. They are going to kill businesses. Will they excuse the tax burdens to these businesses when they can't pay? How about the lost wages for everyone? Over reaction to say the least.

    1. Democrats LOVE closing buissnesses.

  7. There should be no gatherings at all. People need to stay at home unless for food, emergency, pharmacies.

    1. Sick but not the viruse people.

  8. Killing a business is better than killing people.
    I have no desire to be laid up in a hospital on a ventilator.
    People yet to realize how serious this is.

  9. The methadone clinic on Newton street in Salisbury is jam packed shoulder to shoulder (literally) with people, well over 300+ a day. They stopped the group meetings but people are
    constantly stacked in a building a little over 4000 sq ft. Staff do not have proper protection and many patients are already immune-compromised with TB Hep C HIV AIDS exedra. You may say these people are the lowest of the low but re think that because what they are going to be are carriers of Covid- 19! Spreading it through the community. They need to close it temporarily.

  10. Martial law will be next
    Humans doesn't follow instructions
    Protect your own....

  11. March 16, 2020 at 11:45 AM LOLOL. I go because I am hungry and because I do not want to cook. I get take out because I am hungry and do not want to cook.

    Drama much?

  12. Open up underground

  13. Martial law is here this is insane even workers in China have returned to work

  14. Limit the bars to 50 people or less.
    They will than be in compliance of the 50 people rule.
    Is people shopping at Food Lion, Wal-Mart, Ect. Ect. Ect. Going to be limited to the 50 people gathering rule ? Can't have no more than 50 in one place at one time.

  15. Has anyone been a restaurant when someone near you has a hacking cough or blowing their nose. That is why they are closing because of the few inconsiderate folks out there.

  16. March 16, 2020 at 12:52 PM:

    Mr. Wrench

    The last time I was in a bar, people sit shoulder to shoulder up and down the bar. No way! You have no credentials to suggest anything. Thank God no one has to listen to you. Nope, they did the right thing. Closed the bars to keep the drunks (alcoholics) from spreading the disease.

    1. You know that also means closing ALL fast food restaurants down to sit in customers.
      Define for me a gathering of less than 50 people.
      I work in a parts store. What do I do with the people that are 2 feet away from my face because they want to see me research their parts. What about the cashiers that are 2 feet away from their customers. I'll wait patiently for your reply

  17. 12:18 - with that logic we should just close all doctor's offices, pharmacies, and hospitals. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, people receiving methadone are patients and receiving medical service from certified doctors and nurses.

    1. Really that place is FILTHY inside. All they're doing is walking up to a window and getting their methadone and then loitering around the parking lot selling drugs and stealing from the Wawa (just ask the manager). Sometimes there's only one nurse in the building. You see the Dr 1x a yr. once you enroll. He comes 1x a week to check in newbies. It's a joke. You don't even have to attend groups. It's dose and go.

  18. Shows you that You are NOT really Free dosen't it !!!

    Just like JURY Duty !!! At least it was cancelled for the month

    Alot of law changes needed regarding that one !!!!

    Should be against Everyone's Rights to be Forced to do it !!

    Just like Obama Care !!!!

  19. So now grocery customers will wait outside in the cold until customer number 50 leaves so one more shopper can enter?

    Our fat governor won't care. He can go without food for a while!

    1. I was wondering how long that was going to take, and don't leave Langley out.

  20. Time to see if small businesses will get a bailout or if America's socialist policies only apply to the rich

  21. It is just amazing that everyone is acting as if they test positive they are going to die. Do we close everything for the flu. I can tell you now your taxes are going up once all this has settled. Who else if going to pay the Democrats overreacting and shutting everything down. Think about it.

  22. Hogan is a jerk. He wants to look good in his last term - saving people from themselves 😂😂

  23. How to we stop this insanity now?

  24. March 16, 2020 at 2:56 PM:

    Thanks for waiting. Wear a mask! You're welcome. Now cry about that. Or just ask your customers to keep their distance from you. Don't be such a drama queen.

    1. Masks won't do much..it can still get in your eyes

  25. Mr. Wrench, it's 50 people or more. Less than 50 people, stay the hell away from each other (social distancing). What's so hard for you to understand? Almost everybody in the country knows what it means...except you.

  26. close the methadone program

    1. They won't and it will be a breeding ground for this crap. My neighbor will bring it home and pass it to her kids and the next thing you know the whole neighborhood is on lock down. I've given her rides there and even gone inside. She tells me all about those people. Someone needs to report that place to the authorities FAST

  27. This is complete nonsense. All this over 30 people infected in Maryland? People are going to get sick, some people will die. The chances of someone dying from this are about 3%. You are much, much more likely to die from:

    Heart disease: one in six
    Cancer: one in seven
    Lower respiratory disease: one in 27
    Suicide: one in 88
    Opioid overdose: one in 96
    Car crash: one in 103
    Fall: one in 114
    Gun assault: one in 285
    Pedestrian incident: one in 556
    Motorcycle crash: 1 in 858

    The governor is literally going to make businesses and people broke because of a cold. The press conference was a debacle. He sounded like the sky was falling. Chill out.

    1. Don't forget toasters
      .. they kill 700 worldwide each year..in USA, it accounts for 300 deaths. We are nowhere near toaster numbers yet in USA..God willing, we won't be!

  28. the people on methadone we can do with out

  29. Joe, what are you going to do with your place during this forced shut down ?

  30. War of the Worlds !!!! Orson Wells All over again !!!

  31. Speak-Easys coming Back !!!!

  32. All the people who live week to week with their fancy cars and trucks are going to lose their behinds. If you don’t have money saved you are screwed.

  33. 4:02. Check back in a week or so and tell us how many hundreds of Marylanders are infected. And in a month or so how many thousands are infected. Don’t you understand? The growth in infections is exponential. The only way to slow it down is to stop human interaction.

    1. Or they could stop spraying us
      That would stop the bioweapon

  34. Salisbury can't do without DAYTON'S !!!!

  35. Hey Joe, if I blink my headlights twice in front of your restaurant on Friday, will you bring me out two of those 1/2 pound burgers with all the trimmings?

  36. Gas stations are next !!! Better fill-er up !!!!

    1. Gas stations are automatic with a swipe of a card they will not close

  37. Dayton's > put the waitresses on Roller skates Sat & Sun to put
    food trays on our cars (like in the 50's) !!!!

  38. March 16, 2020 at 5:56 PM:

    Damn shame you don't know how to make a hamburger at home. Damn shame.....

  39. March 16, 2020 at 12:52 PM:

    What part of social distancing can't you understand? The last bars I was in had all the bar stools right next to one another. Just stay home and buy some beer for your disease.

  40. Bar owners wouldn't do the right thing for the country, so the Governor did it for them.

  41. 7:34 spot on that’s why people are suspicious of the government actions.

  42. 2 rolls of Toilet paper per week pp !!!

  43. They are not going to stop spraying us.


    That there was funny


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