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Sunday, March 22, 2020

It's Over


  1. World will come to an end at 6 pm !!!!

  2. Disgusting absolutely disgusting the government is using the Corona virus to close small businesses and completely destroy the economy from within by July or August everyone will be beat down so much will be begging for the government help that's when martial law will happen

  3. China just took over America !!!! Bernie Sanders is Happy !!!!

  4. wondered when this was going to happen...

  5. This will affect every wage earner.

  6. Corona imports from Mexico will go down !!!!

  7. I need help , I love booze , got to have it , what ever shall I do? Are the booze stores open ?

    1. Closing between tonight and tomorrow

    2. I heard liquor stores will be closing soon. Drink beer or wine, maybe you will give your liver a couple more years of life.

  8. This is the event in the Bible before the end times that brings on not a depression but a recession of such magnitude that will affect every living wage earner and the world will never have the stability it has had in the past.Jesus says store your treasures in heaven where they don’t rust rot and corrupt because this world will surely pass away but heaven is forever.

  9. Isn't it funny how the Democrat politicians aren't coming down with it ?

  10. I totally agree 5:16PM. I also own a small business that has been hit hard by the so called Corona Virus and don't really see how I can even continue
    to operate. It was all planned to go this way and no one ever saw it coming.

  11. Yes, the government wants the economy to tank. That is obviously why they are doing this. There is no other rationale answer. SMH.

    1. The government is not doing this, the Coronavirus is. Want to blame someone.... look toward China, it came from them. I'm very grateful to our government to have taken this disease seriously and is trying to save lives. Some people just can't be pleased. For those who want their liquor you can still have it, just at home instead of in public.

  12. The democRATS are behind it all. First, impeach, impeach and impeach. All failures, so lets call china and start a virus and shut down the USA. They will do anything to remove Trump. Wake up people. The rats hate america.

  13. By November everyone will gladly accept socialism. Bernie 2020

  14. FREEDOM is OVER !!!! Nice while it lasted

  15. Next > NO SEX for the next 30 days in Maryland !!!!

    Must remain 6 ft apart at all times !!!!

    1. Nine months from now lets see the explosion of babies being born

    2. Yup, more welfare mouth to feed.

  16. It was great while it lasted. The hamburgers were to die for (um, maybe not the best wording now-days). The crowd was friendly and nice. The atmosphere was great. And, it WILL come back, someday. In the mean time, stay away from ALL crowds so you're still here to enjoy it when Joe reopens. Thanks Joe, it was great, and we look forward to it being great again, somewhere down the road when this is all over.

  17. Socialism is the only answer to a cure.

  18. The coup marches on

  19. Isn't it strange that Russia has tested over 104,000 people and only has about 60 cases? No media outlet has picked up on that. But look at J. Hopkins map of cases of this virus and you will see.
    Is Russia the culprit?
    And how did they have the test kits ready and going and we had none?

    Also, This virus is transmitted by exchange of bodily fluids. So think twice about sexual behavior..

    And it's well after 5, and some food establishments in Salisbury are still open to serve sit down customers.

    1. Its gonna create situations where all people are gonba do is have sex because they cant leave the house. Explosion of babies the end of this yesr and beginning of 2021.

  20. Will it be worth it if we've saved lives? And Trump uses this to get us of the federal reserve and world banks? You know full well he WILL help everyone of us who take losses...

    They just mandated no more than ten people can gather...how can you have a jury trial? Military tribunals coming?? Major arrest now that the cabal cant flee the country?

    This could well be a blessing in disguise....

    1. Jury trials have been cancelled.

  21. Penn just shut down all alcohol sales lol.
    I think the "storm" might well be remembered as "the great purge"?

    1. Some people get rowdy when drunk. The pot dispensaries will stay open; because weed makes people lazy and docile.

  22. 5:06

    "the world will end at 6:00 p.m. News at 11:00

  23. Next Natl Guard Police & Marshall Law !!!!!

  24. You all need a video conference call to AA......if a bar closing is sending you off the deep end!

  25. 646pm.....its the vodka, the alcohol kills germs and viruses, thats why few in russia are affected. Its also why democrats are shutting down all bars and liquor stores and Hogan is their hero, oh and his bedfellow the gov in Penn.

  26. Loss of freedom man
    It is finally here
    All prior generations managed to avoid it
    But we lost it

  27. 5:42 PM nice. thank you.

  28. AOC says we need to let all the prisoners out due to this virus. The crowded prisons are breeding grounds for it.

  29. 9:20; COVID-19 is just the tip of the iceberg. It's all a smoke screen to try and divert our attention from what is really happening. The U$A is bankrupt and way over extended. The dollar as reserve currency is over. The World card deck is about to be reshuffled. Life in the U$A will never be the same as we knew it.

  30. We have Fake News just like Russia & China & now we are
    loosing what Freedoms we used to have "in an Instant " !!!

    Shows just how quickly you can loose it , all in about 2 weeks !!!

  31. We need a CIVIL WAR.

  32. My prediction (and I'm seldom wrong!):
    Light looting will begin by Thursday evening.
    Big-city police will not get involved.
    Knowing this, the break-ins will escalate very quickly, and stores will be completed overrun and emptied by looters on Saturday night.
    Monday morning will be the beginning of Marshall Law.
    Eventually it will reach the smaller towns, and consequently into your homes.
    Say goodbye to all the bleeding hearts that don't want you to have a gun for protection.
    Within two weeks, you'll wish you'd had one.
    Prepare now, folks. It's coming.

    1. Well, it's now Sunday and no looting here yet.

  33. March 17, 2020 at 1:34 AM:

    Easy to make absurd predictions...anonymously. Identify yourself, and I'll bet you $1000.00 that your predictions are wrong.

  34. March 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM:

    What in the world makes you think any of this is permanent? No other pandemic (and there have been quite a few) has been permanent. Relax. Everything will open again. Had to be closed for the good of the country, because business owners wouldn't do it for the good of the country, and inconsiderate patrons just don't care. Now it's the law. It's what happens when people don't listen.

  35. Better for EVERYBODY if the drunks stay home and do their drinking. DUIs will go way down. Safer for everybody on the road, corona virus, or not. The ones complaining about bars being closed are the ones who drive drunk.

    1. Except Captain Black. He’ll still be driving the people’s unmarked black Explorer under the influence.

    2. More people drive high

  36. 2:24PM said: "Easy to make absurd predictions...anonymously. Identify yourself, and I'll bet you $1000.00 that your predictions are wrong."

    If it happens, and I am right, I promise you I'll reveal my identity to you here.
    In return you promise to make a donation to my favorite charity (just $100 - $1000 too much!) if I am correct.
    DISCLAIMER: I know what I'm talking about: I lived in Baltimore through the Vietnam protest riots (looting); the MLK, Jr riots (looting); the Rodney King riots (looting), and a few others, and that's just in my neighborhood in Baltimore. AND it was during a time when everybody had plenty to eat (and drink!).
    Obviously you've never lived in or near a ghetto.
    What the hell do you think is going to happen when those affected CAN'T eat??
    No one in the poorer areas is working or getting a paycheck.
    Be honest: If the only way to feed your family - or yourself - is to loot a closed store, wouldn't you do it?
    I would. In a minute.

    1. Only disagree with one thing in your post, da’Bury is a ghetto.

    2. You lost the "bet". Please donate money for Alzheimer's. Thanks. We know u are honest.

  37. They tell everyone to close and then blame Trump for it. This is all to cause damage to Trump in hopes of causing him to lose the election. Wise up people. The democrats are using the virus to keep Trump from being elected. They jumped on it as soon as it as soon as they knew of it's existence.

  38. Anonymous said...

    China just took over America !!!! Bernie Sanders is Happy !!!!

    March 16, 2020 at 5:23 PM

    Joe Biden and other Demonrats to. They are all defending China. They are all part of this. The biggest farse ever perpetrated on the American People. The Obama hold overs should not even be allowed to advise Trump on this. There is far more to this then they want you to know. This is not about a virus, the virus is the justification, Fear to control the masses so they can freely strip you of your rights! Hogan is part of it. look at his FB page. So is this all about bring attention to himself? How many News networks has he been on? Does he have bigger political plans? Is he trying to go down in History? Leads to many questions. He is most deffinately acting like a Democrat! Plus he is chair for the National Governors association.
    "Governor Larry Hogan
    Yesterday at 7:12 AM ·

    “When they write the new crisis management books, they’ll write extensively about Hogan’s decisive leadership in a time of a public health emergency. Especially compared to what’s been happening at the other end of Route 50"

  39. Sanders n Soros n Hillary need to HANG.

  40. I will, I assure you. It's a great charity.
    I do wonder, though, how you may have arranged for 300 National Guard armed soldiers to get stationed on the streets of West Baltimore on Friday and Saturday nights, just so you could win this "bet".
    Good move, too, putting about 40 (again, armed) soldiers around the CVS store.
    I was wrong. No looting last weekend.
    ....I just didn't figure on the military getting involved.
    I'm tempted to ask for a "double or nothing" on next weekend!


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