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Sunday, March 22, 2020

This Is What I'm Hearing. Please Take Heed...3-21-2020

Just got this from my contact at FEMA.

Please take heed...

Homeland security is preparing to mobilize the national guard.

Preparing to dispatch them across the US along with military.

They will also call in 1st responders. 

They are preparing to announce a nationwide 2 week quarantine for all citizens,

All businesses closed.

Everyone at home.

They will announce this as soon as they have troops in place to help prevent looters and rioters... they will announce before the end of the weekend, within 48 to 72 Hours the president will invoke what is called the “Stafford Act”.

The President will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation.

Stock up on whatever you need to make sure you have a two week supply of everything.


  1. To ALL of the people trying to come on here and say this isn't true, your comments will NOT be published. I have excellent contacts. You have no idea what you are in for. My strong suggestion is that you stock up on supplies immediately for 30 days. I believe the quarantine will likely last the 30 days. No need to pull money out of the bank as everything will be closed anyway. You can gas your vehicle up but where will you go if they forbid people traveling. If you are smart you'll listen to this message. If not, well, call me nuts and say all kinds of bad things about me, I'm used to it after 15 years of doing this. You've been warned.

    1. This is definitely true the national guard has already been in salisbury for 2 days preparing for it.

    2. This is definitely true the national guard has already been in salisbury for 2 days preparing for it.

    3. They got called in last Monday

    4. How can I stock up when every time I go to the store it is sold out??

  2. The stores are continually packed and I’m obeying the commands to stay away from people. I don’t no what to do

    1. Do what you do every day, just stay away from people.

      No need to panic, make rational decisions not emotional ones.

  3. its Coming Homeland security has been in contact with my company

  4. Adam Schiff and his intelligence committee should be held accountable because they knew about the pandemic and continued with the impeachment.

    1. There's a special place in Hades for Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, etc., etc.!

    2. Don't forget hillary

  5. The worst part is that we can't get anything from the grocery stores.

    1. Sams club is now limiting 1 item per person on everything in club. Walmart has a limit on somethings as well

  6. How would people who are on dialysis function or people that have to go get there blood thinner levels checked people that go to the doctor on a weekly basis to receive medications Etc? Do they make special exceptions for these people? What about the people who serve them? Do they lock everybody down or just people that work in retail automotive shops Etc? I don't want to panic but I do want to be informed do you have any idea how this works?

  7. Heard the same from a friend in the guard who's been activated. Not supposed to be out alarming people. But it is.

  8. You can't shut down every business. Defense and homeland security would crumble.

  9. That explains why the c130s have been flying in and out of sby...

    1. They do fly bys for training at the Salisbury airport. They've been doing that for years

    2. They were doing landing and take off . Same plane all day . Don't look into it . I was there watching it. The military uses sby all the time for training.

    3. Sby is the only airport around here that has an ILS with low air traffic around.

  10. Hard to get any supplies when the stores have all been bought out. People have bought enough for two families when they only needed for one. It's insane.

    1. You're an idiot..I left walmart 20 minutes ago. Plenty of food. I'm so sick of you idiots fear mongering. Stop it!

    2. 11:38 - You really shouldn't be calling others idiots. I've been store hopping for weeks between Salisbury Walmart, Fruitland Walmart, & 2 Food Lions, and I'm telling you the shelves are now picked practically bare with little restocking. No toilet paper, Kleenex, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, most breads, eggs, meats for several weeks. Little water. Some isles are completely bare. It's down to taking whatever is left. As an avid reader and concerned info searcher I saw this coming and started preparing weeks ago. It is very concerning that there are low income people with children who may not have had the means to stock up on enough food depending on how long this nightmare lasts. Well I'm glad you were able to find what you needed despite your sarcasm.

  11. There is a plan. Trying to outguess it is counterproductive and needlessly instilling fear. Prepare.

  12. The national guard is always mobilized in cases of national emergency im not saying its not coming it should have already happened the really scary part is what may come with it..be careful folks people do crazy things when their scared and desperate

  13. Trump announced Stafford March 16th. I personally saw about 20 national guard vehicles around 4PM leaving Easton going towards Baltimore yesterday.

  14. “Behind the scenes” people such as 911 personnel, utility technicians and possibly trash removal workers will likely be exempted, from what my contacts have told me.

    We’re considered “essential” and will be out there In the trenches keeping life civilized for the rest of humanity.

    Funny how “community activists” are not on that list. Guess that’s why the National Guard is being summoned, to keep them from inciting riots.

    1. Lol
      They aren’t building any trenches folks.
      That was during WWI

      Gotta love it

  15. To ALL,
    Print this out and post it on your doors! Spread the word, share you ammo. Page 89 of the Stafford Act says,

    Sec. 706. Firearms Policies (42 U.S.C. 5207)
    (a) Prohibition on conFiscation oF FirEarms - No officer or employee of the United States (including any member of the uniformed services), or person operating pursuant to or under color of Federal law, or receiving Federal funds, or under control of any Federal official, or providing services to such an officer, employee, or other person, while acting in support of relief from a major disaster or emergency, may -
    * (1)  temporarily or permanently seize, or authorize seizure of, any firearm the possession of which is not prohibited under Federal, State, or local law, other than for forfeiture in compliance with Federal law or as evidence in a criminal investigation; 

    * (2)  require registration of any firearm for which registration is not required by Federal, State, or local law; 

    * (3)  prohibit possession of any firearm, or promulgate any rule, regulation, or order prohibiting possession of any firearm, in any place or by any person where such possession is not otherwise prohibited by Federal, State, or local law; or 

    * (4)  prohibit the carrying of firearms by any person otherwise authorized to carry firearms under Federal, State, or local law, solely because such person is operating under the direction, control, or supervision of a Federal agency in support of relief from the major disaster or emergency. 

    (b) limitation - Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any person in subsection (a) from requiring the temporary surrender of a firearm as a condition for entry into any mode of transportation used for rescue or evacuation during a major disaster or emergency, provided that such temporarily surrendered firearm is returned at the completion of such rescue or evacuation.
    (c) PrivatE rights oF action -
    * (1)  in gEnEral - Any individual aggrieved by a violation of this section may seek relief in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress against any person who subjects such individual, or causes such individual to be subjected, to the deprivation of any of the rights, privileges, or immunities secured by this section. 

    * (2)  rEmEDiEs - In addition to any existing remedy in law or equity, under any law, an individual aggrieved by the seizure or confiscation of a firearm in violation of this section may bring an action for return of such firearm in the United States district court in the district in which that individual resides or in which such firearm may be found. 

    * (3)  attornEy FEEs - In any action or proceeding to enforce this section, the court shall award the prevailing party, other than the United States, a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs. 

    Don't be a sheep.

    1. 9:40-Googleing the Stafford act does not make you anymore proactive than anyone else. I looked it up days ago. Doesn't make me special. Don't be sheep? You shouldn't be such an idiot. Why are you concerned about carrying fire arms, when you're confined home. No one is going to come and take your guns either. This fear mongering you jackasses are pushing is ridiculous. My guns are the last thing on my mind right now.

    2. 10:21 if everything does shut down, you will worry about your guns because people will be breaking in homes to try and get food and god knows what else. Your home only protects you so much. I do agree they aren’t gonna take guns because it would be a disaster for them, their not that stupid they would get obliterated if they tried. This coronavirus ordeal has gotten out of hand, it’s an everyday normal thing we already deal with. Wash your hands,
      Practice good hygiene and stay away from people with suppressed immune systems and we will all be fine. No need for everybody to go crazy and shut the whole world down and be greedy and buy everything up. This is a distraction from something, I don’t know what but just stop and ask yourself if this is normal any other time we have flu going around or diseases. Does the world stop ? No , it’s media hype just like with hurricanes and snow storms or whatever. Someday there’s going to be a real emergency and nobody’s going to listen.

    3. I for one hopes it never gets more real than this?

  16. Sunday evening or Monday morning the order might come

  17. To tell us there's going to be a total shutdown contradicts the president.

    From Politico:

    During a news conference Sunday evening, Trump said grocery firms had urged him to communicate the message to consumers to avoid panic-buying. “You don’t have to buy so much,” he said. “There’s no need for anybody in the country to hoard essential food supplies.”

    Maybe your FEMA sources are right, but the advice to stock up is awful. That should have been done months prior to ANY emergency.

    We've already had and still have market shoppers grabbing with both hands as it comes off the pallet, as told to me by a Walmart employee.

  18. WHERE are thean bun and pink pussy hat wearers let's sign them up for the Military. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  19. Wonder if they'll shut down USPS and services like UPS, Fed Ex?

    1. I highly doubt they will do that especially usps which I'm employed at.

    2. @11:23 that must make you feel appreciated! Anthrax, pandemic virus but we can still get that junk mail daily, lol!!

    3. Why would you say such a terrific thing. Ups worker who just made
      A comment that's all.

    4. Besides the junk mail alot of medication is delivered by us and of course Amazon

    5. I don’t care about the mail just keep the internet up

    6. Well Amazon has reported a case of this virus among it's workforce so why would the postal service continue to deliver packages from them? As far as the postal service 😂🤣😂🤣😂 if it weren't for them delivering Amazon packages they wouldn't have anything to do. It's so bad my carrier stops once a week and delivers it all, the poor guy thinks no one noticed we get a stack rubber banded out on Saturday's

  20. What about pharmacies. I have a prescription due to refill in 10 days. I can not refill it earlier. How am I supposed to get it if EVERYTHING is shut down.

    1. Usually grocery stores, pharmacies, and urgent doctor visits are allowed

  21. I'm not saying it isn't true,but the Treasury Dept can't handle a continuous money hemmorrage indefinitely.

    1. Treasury never could as you write.

      However the Fed prints US Dollars from thin air. That is what got us here (money printing). The virus is cover for the financial reset.

      Hunker down!

  22. There is no way that all businesses would or could close. Hospitals, drug store and doctors offices would be out out of supplies. Hospitals, nursing homes would be out of food.
    Grocery stores, drug stores as well as many other businesses would have to remain open.

  23. Joe, let people know. If people need water. Eastern shore coffee and water is open 12-4 today for pick up in salisbury. No lines. Will place In the car for you. I just heard from someone that works there. They are local owned and employ local. Please dont publish this comment. But give them some shade . Everyone needs help especially the locals.

  24. non essential stuff will close yes we expect it. Essential stuff will remain open. Everyone starting all this nonsense is the ones to blame for the chaos.

    Everyone should have enough sense to be prepared regardless.

  25. Has Jake been activated?

    1. For what do they need a drum major???

    2. Jake hasn't left downtown so called coronavirus recovery work. He's sitting around downtown eating carryout and drinking bourbon posting garbage on social media

  26. 10:21, I posted that to say the opposite and to calm people down by giving them the knowledge that anyone knocking on their doors are not to be let in and that no one will be able to take your guns. I usually answer the door if LEO's knock, but for this, I'll be talking through a closed door.

  27. You can't compare this to the flu because there is a vaccine for the flu which helps to keep you from getting it or can make it be less severe. There is no vaccine for Coronavirus so everyone can get it and it will all depend on your immune system. Not everyone's immune system can handle it. All these young people should remember that they can give it to someone older and even some healthy people are dying from it.

  28. Please understand that C130's, Ospreys, Blackhawks, and other military planes consistently fly manuevers for training at the Salisbury airport. Just because you see them does not mean anything. The National Guard was activated the other day by Governor Hogan in a Press Conference. I was watching it when it happened. There is no mention in any other media source of a national lock down being necessary. I also have sources, and have not heard a peep out of them about any possible "lock-down". Does that mean it is not possible. No, it can still happen. However unlikely. Please stick with factual news. No need to panic, no need to spread fear.

    1. C130’s are too big to land or take off at the Salisbury airport

    2. F Hogam

      the fat bastard only cares about food

      and tearing down Historical statues

    3. Funny how in Vietnam I saw 130's routinely land and take off on short dirt runways. Trump landed and took off at Sby in a Boeing 757.

  29. Joe, you are correct. Your contacts are providing you with the latest and most accurate information available. Everyone smart enough to read and follow Salisbury News will be ahead of the curve. Thank you for the fine job you and your team of informants have done. You sir, are the man! Peace!

    1. I 2nd that. This info is spot on. Thank you Joe!

  30. 5:55-that’s 100% false. I used to live in a development off of mt Hermon rd, and they used to regularly do touch and gos with Coast Guard c130s. Trumps jet is bigger than a c130 and was able to land and take off there.

    1. I've seen the same thing 808
      555 shouldn't comment on things they know nothing about

    2. By using the “reverse thrust” on the engines, MUCH larger planes COULD safely land at our airport. Just depends on the risk assessment.

  31. Interesting, I'm reading the Stafford act doesn't allow the federal government to impose mandatory quarantines and the president already invoked it in several places to allow FEMA access to federal funds. Sounds like any quarantines issued will have to come from the state leve. Hearing that the odds are high though.

  32. FEMA said today this is not happening and it won’t happen. Soon as a lot of people get sick the grocery store will be empty. More then likely it was spread heavily today in the area at grocery stores but people believe internet rumor over people who are in charge.

    1. FEMA is federal a lock down will be at the state level

    2. I believe nothing the government tells me

  33. Say what you want about my home progressives

    you come to break into my home
    .the last thing you'll see is a bright flash.

  34. This is a little misleading, it is going to be more like one week at a time, (so it could end at 1 but continue for 3-4),and everyone is still going to be allowed to grocery store/Pharmacies or Medical facilities, (say for Dialysis), not sure how it will work with incoming flights this week for family members. Don't be surprised if the word Curfew is used for when stores and pharmacies are closed. Mail will still operate. It's not that difficult to try and get people to just avoid groups for now. Don't Panic and be smart, if your bored do something smart like inventory what you have and plan accordingly for when you do. Don't sit around and read/listen to everything pick one or 2 true sources to follow and don't rot yourself with garbage.

  35. From what I've been seeing, it's necessary. People are not doing the right thing. Like the bars that didn't close until they were forced to.

  36. it will be a stay in place order as other states have done. You will be able to go get groceries and meds etc. The main essentials that keep the country moving will still be keeping us moving. Stop with all the false information, it serves none of us. If you have elderly that cannot get out to get what they need, by all means do it for them. Stop being so selfish and buying up everything and leave some for others. There is plenty to go around, if people would use common sense. Which now days there is a lack there of. The panic and fear will kill more then the actual virus will. Use common sense.

  37. Can someone with sound knowledge please post what exactly is essential? Commerce and such. There are many conflicting ideas on what exactly is. Do the states have a list? Are restaurants essential? Lowes? Just trying to get an idea before it is all shut down.

    1. There is a list from CA. Lots of businesses are considered essential from lawn care to pet supplies to construction to hardware. Google it

  38. One of the larger reasons the airport exists and its facilities upgraded is from the steady stream of millions in money provided by the military during years of touch and go flight training.

  39. As of 10 am today there is no plans of a national shut down per dhs Secretary! Fox news interview!

    1. Read the history of the airport and why the runways were extended during WWII.

  40. Anyone on the Beach will be Water - Boarded !!!!

  41. Mandatory NO Sex for 30 days in Maryland !!!
    Must remain 6 feet apart at all times !!!!

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As of 10 am today there is no plans of a national shut down per dhs Secretary! Fox news interview!

    March 22, 2020 at 10:31 AM
    There is no need for a national shut down. Its being done state by state.

  43. You have 12 hrs left lol 🕕

  44. China is getting America Pre-Ready for when they take over !!!

  45. When They are running things > YOU won't be happy !!!

  46. Look joe. I enjoy your website. But it loooks like you were wrong Joe. Not sure why you want to keep people in fear. Admit you were wrong. Be a man.

  47. Anonymous 6:59, A "man" is someone not afraid to use his real name and not hide behind anonymous. Let's just see what happens after today's 11:00 press conference.


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