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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Maryland Senate GOP introduces bill for Hogan to declare state of emergency in Baltimore

Annapolis, Md. (WBFF) -- Senate Minority Leader J.B. Jennings, Senate Minority Whip Steve Hershey and members of the Senate Minority Caucus introduced a bill to provide an immediate response to the violent crime crisis in Baltimore City.

“There have been 52 murders in Baltimore City so far this year. We are more than halfway through this legislative session, and Rome is still burning,” said Senate Minority Leader J.B. Jennings. “The citizens of Baltimore don’t have the luxury of waiting for the legislature to compromise. Something has to be done now to restore law and order in Baltimore.”

The Senate Republican bill expands the emergency powers of the Governor to declare a Violent Crime Emergency and provide an immediate response with State resources.



  1. Like what? Send cops in who will be accused of abuse if they do something. F' em, let em' kill each other. Thin the the thug herd.

  2. Seems that $20k raise they want to give teachers would be better spent on hiring more cops. This not only for reducing violent crime but also keeping elected officials from illegally lining their pockets with cash.

    1. $20k raise? He walked away from a measly 2% COLA for state employees, eventhough the economy is booming.

  3. To bad they cant remove the cause of this problem..DEMOC RATS

  4. Let it burn. I'm tired of our tax dollars constantly bailing out Baltimore because of the thugs that rule it.

  5. Truth is this is a liberal dream. Keep killing each other so we can blame the guns. God knows the Democrats have been playing the sheep for way to long. Then again if your so blind to the truth then you deserve what you get.

  6. Get rid of Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act... that would immediately help...

  7. Baltimore needs stop and frisk.

  8. No more tax dollars goes to Baltimore until the criminals are locked up and not given lesser sentences and early release. Punish gun violations to the max. Baltimore should burn baby burn.

  9. Democrats want to throw more money at the problem which will never reach the problem only their pockets.

  10. Well it's obvious the state's extreme gun control measures haven't worked except to disarm law abiding gun owners, while letting the felons run loose with illegal weapons. So now they want to call a state of emergency and call out he national guard? What a state! What a biggest city in MD! And our legislators sit in Annapolis and think up ways to tax us to death.

  11. Just hand out guns to everyone in Baltimore and let them sort it out on their own.


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