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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

"They're Flying It In!" - Canadians Furious At Trudeau As Government Refuses To Stop Travelers From Iran

Furious Canadians slammed the government for failing to cancel flights from Iran, presently the country with the worst outbreak outside China, and other policies that suggest a dangerously blithe response from the government, perhaps as a consequence of PM Trudeau's commitment to 'woke' policies (many have slammed travel bans as racist).
#COVID-19 is coming. With the explosion of the virus in Italy, Korea, China, and Iran, containment is no longer realistic.

It is however important to slow the spread so hospitals are not overwhelmed.

The Trudeau government's response is unsatisfactory.https://t.co/MymblN2DAx— David Jacobs (@DrJacobsRad) March 1, 2020
One critic even accused Ottawa of "flying in" the virus by refusing to cancel flights. Though, to be fair, while President Trump has cracked down on China and Iran, his reaction to Italy and South Korea has been slightly more mild (though the State Department has issued travel advisories targeting SK and Italy.



  1. LOL LOL Better them than America !!! Not Trump's Fault !!!!

  2. They are also bringing in Disease.

  3. Trudeau is afraid that since his blackface episode has already been exposed, he will be exposed that somewhere he may have worn a turban on his head. Oh that's right, that photo is already out there. They are both the same photo. Check out Google. He killed 2 birds with one stone. And this turd has the stones to have denigrated Trump. Remember, you can't shine a used turd and you can't cover its stench. And typical of a liberal piece of stink, blame others for the things you do and act as if you are insulted. STINK, STANK, STUNK. Your a mean one Mr Grinch--along with being an idiot. Very much like the long list of our current dumb-ass-crats.

  4. Flying in some Marajuana too for those with Prescriptions !! LOL

  5. They can Thank the ia-tolla of Rock-in-rolla !!! Of Iran

  6. All of the western governments have been bought by the globalist bankers. They are academic communists. They believe in ruling over the masses and stealing their money. That’s what communism is, a trick, misdirection, a scam. These families have been doing it for generations.

  7. You should be concerned. There are alot of Snowbird Canadians in Florida.

  8. Trump was working on closing entry from China while Dems were doing impeachment

  9. Trudeau is almost as big a fool as Jake Day.

  10. Flying - in more Corona BEER !!!!


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