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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Maryland Senate Bill 566



  1. GOOD get rid of all these LOUD redneck pick up trucks.

    1. Make sure to get your bicycle inspected 10:47

  2. Do I read this correctly? A vehicle inspection every two years?

  3. In DE, the inspection is free and is required everytime you renew registration whether it’s for 1 or 3 years. Renewing tags doesn’t require inspection.

    1. You just contradicted yourself in 2 sentences.

  4. Just another way to reach I to your wallet and take more of your money. For over 50 years this has not been a problem in Maryland. We already have laws to deal with vehicles which are unsafe on the road. Now we are going to add more to them which already exist. How many of you have gotten an I section ticket? Because there is no fine it is now their way of taxing you.

    1. The STATE POLICE don't enforce "Antique" car plates driving around 7 days a week instead of 1 car show during the summer or old truck falling apart on the highway.

    2. They do... blame the courts for not doing anything about it. It's only a fineable offense.

  5. Must be a snowflakes idea probably hurts their poor little ears or the sound gives them PTSD come on people wake up more and more communist actions every day

    1. I glad it's happening do you honestly like those Sanford n son redneck trucks on the road falling apart with No mufgler.

  6. Does this mean that the Eastern Shore vehicles will now be required to pass Emission Tests?? This is just another way of taxing the citizens of theEastern Shore. A BIG increase. HUGE!!!

    1. Yes. I can see the lines now bc we will only have small 2 lane stations for an entire area.

  7. Just more taxing of the poor and middle class.

    1. People with means have to do this as well. No one will be exempt.

  8. Love I can't stand all these links and there noisy ass truck flying around town.HONK HONK.

  9. Thank every democrat you know, because their the ones responsible for electing these legislators to rape rob and pillage every citizen.

  10. Get it done long overdue.

  11. No weapon was recovered from Sopp's body after the shooting.

    Police spokeswoman Sgt. Vickie Wareheim declined to say whether a weapon was found in the vehicle or at the scene.

    She said: 'I never imagined that when I called 911 to protect my son and others from him driving drunk, it would cost him his life.'

    In her 911 call, Catherine Sopp told the operator her son hes 'picked up a log and was looking for a knife' and that he was also 'putting an ice pick to his neck'.

    Sopp's family also called the 'shooting an unarmed man eight times' an 'unnecessary use of force by a police officer'.

  12. Long over due ? The Md socialist communist government sucks , another nail in your coffin 12:45 , you want them to wipe your a$$ too?

  13. Waste of time and money

    I lived in pa and I had a tiny rust hole in an otherwise road worthy vehicle that they would not pass.

    Took a piece of tin and 3 screws to repair and it passed.

    So tell me again how this will protect anyone from anything.

  14. and you fools cry on this blog but how many of you are willing to go to annapolis and stand up to these latter day robber barons? didn't think so, so why do you cry here instead of there, while they continue to rape you? as far as they are concerned you must really like it, since they never hear you squealing!

  15. Another tax we don't need. How many accidents have happened to justify this?

  16. When I moved here from another state I had to get it inspected.

    I had just had it inspected in the previous state and passed with no issues

    Messicks told me I had to replace all my windows since they were tinted. Problem was he was wrong, it was legal factory tint. Had to pay the guy for that lie and bs.

    Then off to Puseys who told me the new muffler was a problem showing a carbon leak.

    Advaced Auto traded the muffler under warranty and Grier's put it on and told me the SUV was inspection ready.

    Then off to inspection #3 at Puseys who miraculously found a hole the size of a flat head screwdriver in the Y of an exhaust pipe, mind you Griers just repaired it and said it was inspection worthy.

    Tell me again how this is going to protect anyone from anything other than being ripped off?

  17. N.C. runs a yearly safety inspection that is similar....it could be done by Certified station like Jiffy Lube or repair facility during an oil change!

  18. and while ur at it, inspect the drivers

  19. LOL boy is everyone going to be surprised at how much those bad emission parts on there vehicles cost even when it's running just fine. Any vehicle over 5 years old will have nonworking emissions equipment on it. No less tires exhaust you name it the inspection is nothing like DE lights horn breaks and tires. Maryland inspection is everything just like it was the first time it was inspected.

  20. 12:45 PM, 12:41 PM,11:58 AM,10:47 AM.....clearly the same person, clearly cant read and clearly...dosent own a vehicle. This law exempts older vehicles {loud or not lol} and targets all others which is nearly everyone,teens thru elderly, saddles them with huge cost. Do you really think they're concerned if your door knob/handle works?!?! lol No...they want your money, they dont care about your suffering nor quality of life. They want every dime, the more they rake in the biggger their departments, more raises better pensions...and most of all....control. The more you suffer...the happier they are. The poorer you are, the richer that makes them.
    Remember the "cash for clunkers" program from obummer? ...well now your seeing the other half of the plan. Vehicles hardly last 5-10 years now adays, and few would pass emissions a few miles off the lot. Not just unnecessary taxes every time you turn around, inspection station fees each time, can you imagine the mechanics fees your going to inherit? YOU can no longer afford a vehicle. YOUR not really in the middle class. Your a subject, a resource, a resource to be purged for money. Money and power is their drug. The climate change lies, the pollution lies, all to justify robbing each and every one of us, from vehicles to homes. Cant you see it now?

    Taxation....its the new slavery.

  21. All the people who are in favor of this will soon regret this bill. Wait to you go have to get your car inspected new or old. Maryland has a strict inspection code to follow. Md inspection stations will always fail your car for one reason or another. If driving around the Salisbury area look to fail the inspection for ball joints,tie rods,front end alignment and shocks. The streets and pot holes around Salisbury will definitely ruin your entire front end. I can tolerate loud vehicles better than a front suspension job of $400 every 6 months.

  22. Police has the power to enforce the noisy vehicles by writing repair tickets. Police don't even enforce the law dealing with loud music either. This is a pathetic law. Antique vehicles can have all these prohibited new laws then.

    Sounds like an Ocean City law.

  23. Those rascals with loud mufflers always come across the bridge to our Eastern Shore

    why aren't they subject to this crap ?

    my income is limited...why should I be punished financially for these punks ?

    1. Bc the state police care more about a light out than quality of life IE .. Truck noise.


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