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Thursday, March 12, 2020

JOHN SOLOMON: Newly Declassified Memos Show FBI’s Russia Collusion Case Fell Apart in First Month of Trump Presidency

The FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart within the first couple weeks of Trump’s presidency, yet Mueller accepted his appointment as special counsel and continued his $35 million witch hunt anyway.

According to award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, Mueller was aware that in early 2017 there was no Russian collusion yet he pressed on and forced Trump’s associates to plead guilty to unrelated process crimes.

According to declassified memos, the Steele dossier was debunked in January of 2017 and the idea that General Mike Flynn was a Russian asset was also ruled out at the same time.



  1. When will you clowns realize there was more evidence than simply the dossier? That Mueller is a distinguish vet and public servant? That multiple Trump cronies were either found guilty or plead guilty? And that all of these things add up to the need to do a more thorough investigation? Too much to ask for you people to actually think critically huh?

    1. Mueller lost his mind many years ago due to aging. We think "critically" when we learned that the "Russian Collision" was a set up by the former Administration and when we learned that Mueller could not remember a thing about his career let alone conduct a hearing/investigation. Is that "thinking critically" enough for you.

  2. All of these Corrupt Democrats should be charged and made to pay back to the government the whole $35 million they wasted for a crime they committed.

  3. And yet the liberal left fanned and stoked the narrative. The games people play; and all for naught.

  4. China and democrat collusion over the virus..Trump must be stopped and they dont care who gets in the way


  5. 1206 when trolling telling a direct lie exposes the “ troll Radar” that most people have now and you get ignored. All evidence is declassified and is available on line. Also when you comment about your own comment troll radar is activated. Thank you.

  6. 12:06
    When will you clowns realize there was more evidence than simply the dossier?

    So, where is it moron?


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