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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Chelsea Manning attempts suicide in her jail cell and is resuscitated by guards following her refusal to testify before grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

Former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning attempted suicide inside her Virginia jail cell and was resuscitated by prison guards, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Sources said Manning – who has been held in custody since May for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and Julian Assange – tried to hang herself with a sheet inside Alexandra Detention Center.

The 31-year-old still had a pulse when she was found at around 1pm, however, and DailyMail.com understands she was still breathing while en route to the hospital.



  1. Attempts suicide in “her” jail cell?? I thought it was a dude??

  2. I was going to say same thing. In HIS Jail Cell.

  3. Should've let it go.

  4. S/he just wanted some of that mouth to mouth action.

  5. It should have never been pardoned in the first place - one traitor pardons another!

  6. Stop calling him a her! He tried to off himself. Is this another epstein suicide, but it failed.

  7. She, my a$$, HE can't even do that right.

  8. Too bad he didn't succeed.

  9. This thing still has Male plumbing it is not nor will it ever be a Female! Guards did a bad thing bringing this nut job back to life.

  10. Another trans gender attempting suicide. They ARE mentally defective!

  11. The commenters pretty well sum up the Eastern Shore's feelings about the matter

  12. Did it know the Clinton's?

  13. Manning needs serious help, not ridicule or enabling from the idiot liberals. Suicide is a real side effect from their problem.

    He'd would have been a hero like Snowden and Assange , if he were normal.

  14. Your'e missing the point. i doubt it was a suicide ...

  15. @March 12, 2020 at 5:51 PM , What, you have a problem with it? No matter what HE masquerades as, HE is still a male.It is impossible to change your DNA. And you know damn well WE are right.


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