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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Joe Biden Torn Apart After ‘The View’ Appearance: He “Reminded Everyone Why He’s Been in Hiding”

Joe Biden may have been met with a warm welcome from The View‘s co-hosts this morning, but the reception on social media was much more chilly. On Tuesday, Biden appeared on The View via satellite, and he laid out his “plan” for combatting coronavirus. Viewers at home were quick to point out that despite speaking primarily in platitudes, the former vice president still managed to bungle the appearance when he cautioned that “the cure” for COVID-19 “will make the problem worse, no matter what.” Come again?

While Biden spent much of his Tuesday View appearance stressing the importance of social distancing policies, he flubbed the point when asked about President Trump’s insistence that businesses should reopen “very soon” to boost the economy. “Are you at all concerned, as Trump said, that we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself?” asked guest co-host Sara Haines.

Biden clearly mixed up “the cure” and “the problem” in his answer, but he didn’t seem to notice, and he continued on as normal. “We know what has to be done … We’ve got to flatten that curve. And we’ve got to make sure that once, in fact, we have this under control, it doesn’t come back,” he said, effectively contradicting his earlier point. “So we should be focusing on getting all the help necessary in terms of testing, in terms of access to the gear that our first responders, our doctors, our nurses need in treating people.”



  1. I want him for my next President - NOT. What an idiot. Why does anyone watch the view? Really! 😝😝

  2. Oh boy, I sure want him for President. 🤮

  3. Like the current occupant (actor) Mr Biden is not mentally fluid enough to handle the role of POTUS

  4. What are we suppose to do when feeble old people try to lead a country. Ok, acknowledgement for his past public service (right or wrong) but really DNC, this and Bernie were your best? Wow...wake up, we are in the 21st Century. The old mindset WITHOUT a business type acumen no longer works. Real change has happened over the last term. USA is made up of mostly blue collar industry....Hello???? DE Joe, got it, a DELMARVA homer in a sense......uh not President.

    2024 will be very Interesting!

  5. This Pedifile Dementia Altimers Nut is FINISHED !!! NO POTUS !!!!

  6. Glad that HE was all the Dirty Democrats had to offer for 2020 so a Real
    Leader called TRUMP can now easily WIN !!!! LOL LOL Thank YOU !!!

    Democrats are Finished & now they will get theirs !!!!

  7. Joe said he has been to all 57 states and he feels he is the best guy for the senate for the upcoming election year of 1968. He said he will continue to support bussing and segregation along with the Vietnam war.

    He feels he is on top of the other candidates especially Edward Musky and George Wallace.

  8. Why would any sane person watch The View? That is the biggest bunch of idiots I have ever seen, and that was just long enough to change the channel. How do they even get a show? Anyone who appears on their show is as bad as they are.

  9. Please pursue this effort. You will see that Mr. Trump has enough misstatements and blunders to fill volumes

  10. The show is nothing but losers and radical Dems they never see any other view but their own, their job applications and interviews only have two criteria (1) talk only when you agree (2) repeat step one over and over everyday.

  11. My sister, a conservative, watches only to see how they "fight" among themselves and seems to find the misguided banter entertaining. What I wonder is if the live audience is paid to react.


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