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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Governor Larry Hogan: Stay Home, Maryland

Dear Marylanders:
We have reached a critical turning point in our fight to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic here in Maryland.
A few minutes ago, an executive order took effect which institutes a Stay at Home directive. Under this order, no Maryland resident should be leaving their home unless it is for an essential job or for an essential reason, such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention, or for other necessary purposes.
In addition, only essential businesses are allowed to remain open in Maryland, and those businesses must make every effort to scale down their operations in order to reduce the number of required staff, to limit interactions with customers, and to institute telework for as much of the workforce as is practical.
As we have previously stated, no Marylander should be traveling outside of the state unless such travel is absolutely necessary. If you have traveled outside of the state, you should self-quarantine for 14 days.
We are encouraging not just businesses, but families and friends, to make every effort to use remote forms of communication to limit person-to-person contact. Marylanders should reschedule all non-essential appointments of any kind. No one should be using any mode of public transportation unless they are essential personnel or unless that travel is absolutely necessary. 
Each and every one of us has a chance right now to do something to help our neighbors. Every single Marylander can be a hero just by staying home and by practicing social distancing. This will not only keep you and your family safe, but it could also save the lives of thousands of others.
In the days to come, we are going to need to depend on each other, to look out for each other, and to take care of each other, because we are all in this together. 
Signature: Larry Hogan


  1. "If you have traveled outside of the state, you should self-quarantine for 14 days."

    Again, problems (really not...but people will ask) with the DELMARVA area keeping tabs on that. Probably won't but when anything is in BLACK and WHITE - people will ask for clarification.

    Stay safe everyone.

    1. I went to Delmar should I self quarantine?

  2. It amazes me how many people think they are above the law.

  3. 2:23; It amazes me how arbitrary,convoluted and self serving some of these"laws" are. If the lawmakers were honest and forthright we might have some respect.

    I believe in and I am complying with the Stay At Home policy to the best of my ability. I am an outdoors person,and I'm not going to lock myself in the house. Out in the woods or working in garden is much healthier anyway.And if a neighbor calls and asks for some help or assistance I'm not going to tell them "I can't,I'm locked in the house".

  4. Almost every Maryland delmarva resident who smokes tobacco leaves the state at least once per week to buy smokes in Delaware or Virginia. If you think they will voluntarily stop you are a special kind of stupid.

  5. You all have been warned about the virus. There is no way you all should treat this like a vacation and free time.

  6. 421....absolutely correct and don't forget alcohol either. Past Govs put the screws on that with taxes.....and the closest discount retailer....wow Costco or BJs is where???? DE not MD.

  7. You are now under a sort of "house arrest." How many jobs will this policy permanently destroy? And what has become of your freedom? It has been cast aside by one man, and he threatens to throw you IN JAIL if you disobey his dictate.

    Under normal circumstances, if you were to visit Walmart and steal a toaster, you would be rightfully arrested. But Emperor Hogan can take away YOUR LIVELIHOOD with the stroke of a pen, and you are expected to say, "Thank you, sir, for caring for me and my family." I'm not buying it. This is over-reaching.

    1. Thank you
      There are only a few of us who understand what is happening

    Why am I not seeing the MSP on the streets ?

  9. Tell Daisy Dukes to stay Home !!!

  10. You all can throw away your freedoms if you choose. I will not.


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